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  1. Bocabob

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Well the general update the car is in service being reworked whatever that means in the meantime they've offered me a rental and pick up all associated costs we're anticipating delivery of the vehicle they say in approximately 2 weeks.....
  2. Bocabob

    Second thoughts ?

    I think it's rather funny we all have major opinions about delivery and all these other situations when it comes down it's so really a simple question of whether you like it or you don't like it and whether you put your money down again. It's such a simple question and it requires such a simple...
  3. Bocabob

    Second thoughts ?

    I am just wondering as so many others new buyers ones that have taken the plunge and ones that are on the fence. If you decide to comment please keep it focused short and not personal if you can help it. Maybe this list could maybe used to help other make informed decisions and some insight...
  4. Bocabob

    Quantum Grey / Mojave

    Quick update on my car...Just was contacted and good news the car is in service being reworked we will see what that means but they seem to agree that the car doors should all be even and gaps be uniform... we will see I am sure they will try to work it out ... I am in no rush as we all have...
  5. Bocabob

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    So do we that so why we jumped in..... I'm fully confident that they're going to take care of the situation correctly I'm just concerned how they're going to be able to rectify the situation because it's not just one panel I probably would be more comfortable if the car was returned to the...
  6. Bocabob

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    I did a pre-inspection before I accepted delivery.... I'm still waiting for a response the staff was very nice but I didn't feel that we were in a position of getting any particular resolution to the matter so it's only been 2 hours we'll see what happens but I just can't understand a company of...
  7. Bocabob

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    The eagle has landed we are going to go see the car this afternoon...... Well the response here is that the eagle crashed and burned the car is absolutely beautiful we're totally excited but frankly after 2 months of intensive PDI and supposedly a PDI at Riviera Beach the gaps on the car are...
  8. Bocabob

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    'It is my understanding cars are moving Riviera Beach expecting a few delivers in the next few days....a bird told me or was it smoke signals not sure which one......should be driving my gt in a week looking foward any local South Florida owners who would d like to share a glass by the sea let...
  9. Bocabob

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    I was just told today that the car is in transit to Riviera Beach this is exciting.......!:cool:
  10. Bocabob

    Looking for a good PPF wrap shop in South Florida recommendations. Please

    👍 Many thanks will look into it ......
  11. Bocabob

    Looking for a good PPF wrap shop in South Florida recommendations. Please

    Thank you very much I greatly appreciate it let me know how it turns out it might be worth taking the trip up to Orlando .... Of course it depends on who gets whose car first.....
  12. Bocabob

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Don't know if we are in here but canceled car so order moved up White with Tahoe 21 March 2, 2022 confirmed vin Jun 9
  13. Bocabob

    Just received my vin

    I am sure every one is getting this clear we will be waiting for a while what ever that means better wait than have something poor built and rushed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Bocabob

    Just received my vin

    Dear Robert, In speaking with customers awaiting delivery, I understand there is some frustration with the lack of information around delivery status. I am reaching out to explain why your Delivery Advisor has had difficulty providing you with a reliable delivery date. As we bring Lucid Air to...
  15. Bocabob

    Just received my vin

    I was told that vins were assigned when the car is actually in production isn't it fun to be a guinea pig I guess we all love the drama and the pain and the excitement of having something new.....
  16. Bocabob

    Looking for a good PPF wrap shop in South Florida recommendations. Please

    I am looking for a creative shop to make a vison come to life in south Florida any one with a suggestion and proof of work please many thanks
  17. Bocabob

    Just received my vin

    I made the reservation in Oct Payment confirmed In Dec Vin 6-10-22 We will see they called me also and said delivery 4 - 6 weeks In Rivera Beach
  18. Bocabob

    Just received my vin

    Well lets see how long till they deliver ........;)
  19. Bocabob

    Wheel info, warranty voided with aftermarket

    So you could say ppf or any add on could be a problem for the sensors lidar self drive etc scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!