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    RESOLVED Fender bender and claim process

    Thanks! Lucid CS was a great help in following up with the bodyshop. Looks like they found a crack in the water reservoir - Its going to be a long wait... 3 weeks and counting. ...I'm glad they found it now because had a problem when my wife hit a deer with her benz (or so she said) a few months...
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    Warning: Eye strain, Split vision, and headache for tall drivers

    Did you try the polarized lens mentioned somewhere in this thread. I'm due for glasses soon and will try it. - I will put out a comment if it helps
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    Maryland Owners

    Nice! Same color and wheels as mine. Got her at the end of March and at 9k+ miles now.
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    Maryland Owners

    I haven't seen a lucid on the road in two months! Mine is currently at the body shop in Sterling (fender bender) and there were at least 10 over there. I'm wondering if every Air in MD is at the body shop🤔 as I usually see at least two every week.
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    Windshield defect

    Is this the double vision or something else?
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    Congratulations! Can you show a picture of the steering? I want to see what the difference is from the leather wrapper
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    RESOLVED Fender bender and claim process

    It's about two hrs away. I'll try calling the manager tomorrow.
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    RESOLVED Fender bender and claim process

    Today is the 23rd my car hasn't been touched. I check everyday hood isn't open. Btw I called on the 19th and the story was vehicle is evaluated in 72hrs. Called back today and it's scheduled to he evaluated tomorrow. At this rate, I don't believe I will get her back in 2 months. My mileage...
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    RESOLVED Fender bender and claim process

    The initially reserved an economy vehicle, but later approved a premium car which is just a midsized economy car. The rental company was of the opinion that the reservation should match my car as has been the case for others they picked up from the lucid bodyshop. Well they upgraded me to a...
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    RESOLVED Fender bender and claim process

    Dropped the car off today. Note to self: always negotiate a luxury vehicle at the time of the claim. The insurance company reserved economy, and upgraded to premium at the last minute. Rental tried to put me in a luxury but geico refused which they thought was weird since I have a lucid...
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    RESOLVED Fender bender and claim process

    I got the estimate from the insurance company ~$600 for labor, with a link to accept payment. They also advice I take it to a lucid service center because the car is not in their database and they will not be able to order parts in a timely manner. On a rental - I won't be able to get an...
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    RESOLVED Fender bender and claim process

    8500 miles in 4 months not even a stone chip, then someone backs into me at an event parking lot. I'll share my claim process/ experience.... So the fellow owned up. Obviously I wasn't in the car. He gave his insurance information. I called mine first but I was advised to file the claim on his...
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    DDPro and Sound Pro Legacy Pricing Opportunity

    Since the thread on DDPro and Sound Pro trial has been closed, I'm posting here..... For those who had legacy pricing, but did not get either DDro or Sound Pro. You can call sales to ask for legacy pricing.
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    Share your best pic!

    I'm not sure what I like better, seeing her or driving her 🤔
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    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    So my install now update just changed from 2.1.2 to 2.0.71 I never got 2.0.71 before. weird
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    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    I've never connected my Lucid to WiFi and I get all updates ready to install a day or two after they show up on the forum
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    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    Honda has had this since 2016
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    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    I have 2.1.2 downloaded and ready to install. I'm wondering if I will get 2.1.3 and install that rather than the bugged 2.1.2
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    Warning: Eye strain, Split vision, and headache for tall drivers

    Has anyone had windscreens replaced for the double vision? And did that fix it?
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    I'm Averaging 1 service appointment per month. What about you?

    My car has been perfect! absolutely no problems with the car itself. Service on the other hand has been 3/10 - The employees are nice but service is poor. I've been trying to get panel problems right since April. I'm at 7300 miles now