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  1. Ksa23

    Unhappy with the car?

    Always sucks to see anyone being dissatisfied but its understandable. EA has been a sore spot for most (though, its been perfect in my area) but I think we need to take a step back and forget the perfect daydreams we had prior to delivery and appreciate what Lucid does right, and how awesome it...
  2. Ksa23

    Seattle Area PPF Installers

    I went with Eastside and they're a great team with a clean facility. I'd trust them for full PPF but decided against it and just stuck with a top wrap
  3. Ksa23

    A new phone

    Nope! You'll just need to log in like you did for the first setup, and reconnect both bluetooth ID's of the Lucid. There's one "device" for key functions, and another "device" for regular music/calling.
  4. Ksa23

    Future Software Features

    Lucid still has a lot of work to do on the base UI and functions, so I expect the "fun" features and apps wont be seen until the end of the year, maybe 2024. The Lucid does run on Android Auto, so the framework is there on the technical side. I'd just really like YouTube and Netflix to pass...
  5. Ksa23

    A little birdie told me.. (CarPlay)

    What’s with all the trolling? I already posted that CarPlay was delayed again and the other half of the rumor/leak I posted was perfectly accurate.
  6. Ksa23

    CarPlay is here! - Megathread

    Winning an election Sorry, had too
  7. Ksa23

    Wa front license plate

    I've passed many police living in the Ballard area and remain lucky. I really do not want a front plate on the car
  8. Ksa23

    Tail light action

    I wish it was more consistent. I sometimes see it when I walk away, but when I come back the lights are off, even if still charging. Then again, maybe its best to not draw too much attention to this kind of car at an EA charging station at the back of the parking lot..all by itself..
  9. Ksa23

    My Stealth-lite Lucid with DR-83 wheels.

    The wheels were $275, tires are the same ones alucid uses for 19”, the Pirellis at $360 each. You can get a version of the 19 Pirellis without the deadening foam, and thatll save $100 per tire
  10. Ksa23

    My Stealth-lite Lucid with DR-83 wheels.

    Drag DR83. Discount Tire installed and balanced for free with purchase
  11. Ksa23

    My Stealth-lite Lucid with DR-83 wheels.

    It was a beautiful day here in Seattle, and my early Sunday AM drive turned into a 6 hour adventure through the mountains. Highway Assist made me feel like a passenger in my own car for the first time today. (the limited traffic likely favored HA) Gotta show off the recent mods too that I got...
  12. Ksa23

    Glovebox Stuck

    As soon as I read this I went to the car and kept slapping it harder and harder while tapping the Glovebox button repeatedly. Hand a bit tingly with how hard I slapped it. It popped open!
  13. Ksa23

    Glovebox Stuck

    I was suprised I couldnt find other posts on this, but is there a workaround for the glovebox being jammed? I can hear the latch trying to release when I press Glovebox, but it doesn't open. I tried very gently prying the side with a spudger but no luck. Is there a manual release somewhere, or...
  14. Ksa23

    Regen levels across all driving modes

    Interesting info. It would be nice if we could have sliders to personally tune the regen and suspension.
  15. Ksa23


    I just noticed for the first time today. it was easiest to tell when steering the wheel at a red light. Pretty subtle, moreso than my previous Lincoln. Had to almost fully turn the wheel to get it to move. Not sure if its more or less sensitive depending on your speed
  16. Ksa23

    A little birdie told me.. (CarPlay)

    :( Little birdie has advised that CarPlay is now on track for February release, citing Apple directly not being satisfied with the performance of Lucid's implementation. Kind of in line with the other rumors that has been swirling around.
  17. Ksa23

    Getting very low mileage

    I'm not sure of my total range, but you can just extrapolate pretty easily. With a 118kwh battery, my 3.0 average would give me 354 miles. Gentle city/highway mix use for me.
  18. Ksa23

    Getting very low mileage

    We're just a few miles away then. The temps and constant elevation changes has been hitting my efficiency pretty hard. I'm 2.8-3kwh/mi lately on 19" wheels. I was about 2.5kwh/mi on the 21's
  19. Ksa23

    Getting very low mileage

    Most important aspect is ambient temps. Where do you live?
  20. Ksa23

    Rear/reverse camera lag

    I've noticed this in the last month or so, and a few others have reported it as well. No known fix right now other than hoping the next update fixes it. For me, its as if the video is a very low frame rate and 1.5 seconds late.