Issue Playing 360 Reality Audio


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Dec 20, 2022
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Southern California
Air GT-P
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Do any of you have a solution to the error message pictured?:

Ooooh. I didn’t even know we could do that. 🙈
I’ll have to look it up but my Tidal free trial wasn’t long enough for me to figure it out and not paying for it to take my time figuring it out. 😏
Ooooh. I didn’t even know we could do that. 🙈
I’ll have to look it up but my Tidal free trial wasn’t long enough for me to figure it out and not paying for it to take my time figuring it out. 😏
Allow me to clarify ... I'm subscribed so I should not be getting that error message.
Allow me to clarify ... I'm subscribed so I should not be getting that error message.
Right… I have just never seen the 360 thing before. I know I have it but didn’t know there were tracks with it. I will definitely be looking for some now. 😁
Do any of you have a solution to the error message pictured?:

View attachment 20656
I've never had this issue on the car but it's happened on my iPhone all the time. I'm subscribed but constantly get told I don't have the right subscription.
Same here, I get it on the phone and the car. Not frequent but enough to notice it. Given that there a multiple devices involved I suspect this is a Tidal issue
I had that error pop up once (no idea the cause), but I can still play Atmos enabled audio on Tidal.

Not sure on the timeline, but iirc, Tidal combined their tiers at one point, so the Lucid software might be expecting a different Tidal account type than is actually offered anymore.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Atmos and 360 audio are different. The Lucid only supports Atmos not 360
I suspect this is an artifact of how Tidal changed their subscription structure to roll HiFi and HiFi Plus into one tier. I used to play the 360 files without issue (amazing BTW). Now the subscription just shows HiFi in the Lucid and I get the error notice. Lucid may need to update the Tidal app to fix this.
Tidal needs to update the app and ship a new version to Lucid so Lucid can apply it via an OTA. The Tidal app itself is not written by Lucid, and because Tidal changed their tiers recently it is now throwing this error message. It will go away in a future update, but it won't affect functionality.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Atmos and 360 audio are different. The Lucid only supports Atmos not 360
They are. R360 is a sony only thing. The car does not support the format and its going away if not already gone from tidal.