Play Dolby Atmos tracks in Surreal Sound Pro

Hmmm that’s interesting, I was already on Tidal prior HiFI plus so it still works for me, but what you should do is log in to your Tidal account outside of the car and go into your settings and make sure mobile data and WiFi streaming are set to Max quality. Then log out of Tidal in the car and log back in and make sure settings in the car Tidal are all set to highest resolution, then try to play Atmos tracks you find. If that doesn’t work try an Air logo reset, and if that doesn’t work send a text to Lucid service.
After reading what I must do to listen to the radio in my Lucid as it is designed to do, makes me long for the days when car radios finally added push buttons and I could now listen to any one of the 3 AM stations in my neighborhood. The first thing anyone did when buying a new or used car was to add rear seat speakers. Now THAT was a radio. Route 66, where are you?
What is the easiest way to search tidal for bands that have Atmos music avail?
What is the easiest way to search tidal for bands that have Atmos music avail?
From a PC, I type in ATMOS, then select the genre. From there, it's easy to find stuff and set up playlists:


@Bunnylebowski I'm eager to hear those tracks and I know some/all of the ways to find Atmos content in Tidal but man I cannot find any cue these are Atmos just searching and scrolling through them. Is there a playlist I can grab that already knows these tracks?
There are a lot of playlists. Here are the ones I've favorited:

If you search in the car or the mobile app, Atmos results (tracks or albums) will have a little Atmos icon by the name. I don't see this in the browser version.
I'm specifically looking for the twelve tracks in the good blog post that Bunny shared last Saturday.
It's easy to find those tracks, but no indication you'll get Dolby Atmos.
I'll just try building the play list without knowing for sure, see if it gives me Atmos.
I hope Tidal just surfaces Atmos better at some point. Maybe they pay for the extra bandwidth to stream Atmos.
I'm specifically looking for the twelve tracks in the good blog post that Bunny shared last Saturday.
It's easy to find those tracks, but no indication you'll get Dolby Atmos.
I'll just try building the play list without knowing for sure, see if it gives me Atmos.
I hope Tidal just surfaces Atmos better at some point. Maybe they pay for the extra bandwidth to stream Atmos.
Ahh, click the top link in my post. That's a playlist I made of the 9/12 tracks from @Bunnylebowski's post that are actually on Tidal. I did it by searching on the Tidal iOS app, where you see the Atmos icon next to tracks like I said.
The mix that blew me away the most out of all of those in that list was Senorita. I don’t even like whoever any of those artists are and don’t like the song, but the production quality of the song and the absolute crystalline precise separation of every frequency and still leaving room to breathe with fantastic dynamic range was like Bob Clearmountain level quality of audio engineering. They used the format to it’s maximum abilities. I don’t know who mixed it but whoever did is a master. Having been on that end of the studio in my former life, it’s not that hard to do a decent mix, very hard to do a great mix, and then every once in awhile you hear something made by a sonic Jedi that must have been almost impossible for anyone else to do, and that’s the level of that Senorita mix.

I’ve been appreciating Billie Eilish’s Atmos mixes more lately also, very clever use of background vocals on all of them.
The mix that blew me away the most out of all of those in that list was Senorita. I don’t even like whoever any of those artists are and don’t like the song, but the production quality of the song and the absolute crystalline precise separation of every frequency and still leaving room to breathe with fantastic dynamic range was like Bob Clearmountain level quality of audio engineering. They used the format to it’s maximum abilities. I don’t know who mixed it but whoever did is a master. Having been on that end of the studio in my former life, it’s not that hard to do a decent mix, very hard to do a great mix, and then every once in awhile you hear something made by a sonic Jedi that must have been almost impossible for anyone else to do, and that’s the level of that Senorita mix.

I’ve been appreciating Billie Eilish’s Atmos mixes more lately also, very clever use of background vocals on all of them.
I have listened to Senorita and Billie Eilish many times since buying my Lucid. I agree with you 100%.
Atmos is too addictive. I can’t take it anymore.

I listened to Touch Me by the Doors so many times in a row today , I lost track. The way they emphasize the percussion is ridiculous. It’s one of so many great mixes, but it’s definitely special.
The mix that blew me away the most out of all of those in that list was Senorita. I don’t even like whoever any of those artists are and don’t like the song, but the production quality of the song and the absolute crystalline precise separation of every frequency and still leaving room to breathe with fantastic dynamic range was like Bob Clearmountain level quality of audio engineering. They used the format to it’s maximum abilities. I don’t know who mixed it but whoever did is a master. Having been on that end of the studio in my former life, it’s not that hard to do a decent mix, very hard to do a great mix, and then every once in awhile you hear something made by a sonic Jedi that must have been almost impossible for anyone else to do, and that’s the level of that Senorita mix.

I’ve been appreciating Billie Eilish’s Atmos mixes more lately also, very clever use of background vocals on all of them.

That’s the thing I love about Atmos. Songs and artists that I would have never previously appreciated have miraculously become the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I just realized there’s no thread describing how to get the most out of surreal sound pro/Dolby Atmos, and there’s been some complaints about SS pro that are mostly due to owners not actually using it correctly or understanding the unique implementation of audio in the Lucid:

There are currently only two ways to hear actual Dolby Atmos tracks in the car:
1- subscribe to Tidal HiFI Plus or activate the free trial (you have to do this on your phone or home computer), enable it in the settings menu, and correctly find Dolby Atmos tracks.
2- subscribe to Amazon Music unlimited (or free trial)

Once you’ve done that, only the native apps in the car software can play Atmos. Your phone cannot stream Atmos to the car.

Apple CarPlay does NOT play back true Dolby Atmos tracks in the car, or in any other car despite what some websites and forums say. It DOES play back Apple Lossless, and you need to turn that on in your settings in your phone. It sounds great depending on the track, although I’ve done side by side comparisons of identical tracks in Apple Music and Tidal and to my ear, Tidal sounds better if the tracks have been remastered, but non-remastered originals are indistinguishable between the two streaming services.

Sometimes Atmos tracks are tricky to search for, as typing in “Atmos” won’t bring them up. For example one of the greatest Atmos mixes I’ve ever heard is Devo Whip It, but you can’t find it unless you search for Devo Whip It (Atmos Mix) because many Atmos mixes have a parenthesis around the word Atmos.

You cannot hear Atmos tracks over Bluetooth in the car. You also cannot hear Atmos tracks over USB audio drives.

Some owners have also mentioned or complained you need to turn the volume up louder than other cars. This is by deliberate design in the Lucid. Professional mixing studios are calibrated such that zero on the fader =
79dB SPL. This represents about 80% of the maximum amplitude of the system, so to hear songs in the Lucid as mixed, guess what, you need to put the volume close to about 80% max, which is LOUD. I’ve confirmed this by playing back calibration noise tones. One click on the Lucid volume wheel below the right screen is equal to about 2db, and guess what, there’s 48 clicks between zero and 100% meaning max volume is about 96dB SPL.

This post is purely meant to be educational. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, this is not for commenting on the bass in the car which is quite an accurate reproduction of how the songs were mixed but nonetheless may not be what owners want out of a car audio system. And Mods if I have duplicated another better placed thread please remove or move this one. If anyone wants step by step pictures to help I’m happy to do that.
Does any one know how to get Amazon music to natively stream in the air? I wanted to see if the quality of music was solid from Amazon!
Does any one know how to get Amazon music to natively stream in the air? I wanted to see if the quality of music was solid from Amazon!
You can’t… yet.
If you have not yet updated to 2.4.x, ask Alexa. You can the set stream quality in the amazon music app and it will default to those versions if available. If you are on 2.4.x then join those of us debating tidal vs waiting for a native app!