Yeah, this is a valid take (one I initially had myself). This ties into the entire concept of "personalization" and "gamification" which builds on customer loyalty. Tesla sort of proved this out and other car manufactures have definitely run user testings on this. You'd be surprised, but the 2 most in-demand things for OEM applications from user studies and EAP feedback groups are the following:
- I want the color of my car to match my real car on my phone
- I want the wheels of my car to match my real car on my phone
This isn't an exaggeration and threw me through a loop, especially when these responses superseded having PaaK be more responsive. After a few mods myself, I sort of get it now.
You can thank Tesla for this in its entirety -- also this is why you didn't see this in the FordPass 5 application. I have opinions about 3D models and utility (you should make it interactive rather just purely reflect telemetry states).
I will say that the customer base wants it regardless of utility. Having a starting point towards what Tesla has is really just that.