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  • The pilot panel failed on Sunday, no functions available. Have called Lucid Service each day, so far no response form Lucid. No appointment to get it fixed, I'm stuck with a car I can't drive, no backup or parking camera view, no battery preconditioning if charging will even work. no AC, music, or navigation. I am thinking of returning my car to Lucid.
    Car Guy
    "Update" I drove the 55 miles to the nearest Lucid Service Center. They were able to fix my car in about 20 minutes. Seems they did a complete reboot of all the systems. The Pilot Panel is now working perfectly and all functions are working, except for Alexa. I was told a software update is coming to repair Alexa. So now I should be able to drive the 1500 mile trip I'd planned for the Holidays. What worries me is how fragile the software powered systems seem to be. If rebooting is the answer, then owners should be given the tools (procedure) to reboot ourselves because Lucid Service Centers are few and far between.
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