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  • I see you were at GE. A law school classmate of mine, Ben Heineman, was formerly Senior VP General Counsel there. An interesting aside on that: our entering class was 165 students, only 6 were women and at least two of them became law professors. One of them had to sue the University of California at Berkeley for tenure asserting that her record was better than the males who had received tenure and SHE WON.

    While I believe we should try to keep politics out of forums such as this, I do agree with your views on Trump.
    Yes, I knew Ben peripherally when I was at GE Corporate, first in national union relations and then in executive development.

    I do agree that we should try to keep politics out of the forum although occasionally my posts belie that. I'm just so frustrated about how quickly and thoroughly our highly-evolved system of checks-and-balances and compromise is being flushed down the toilet that I can't restrain myself when someone praises the likes of Elon Musk. Politically I have always been centrist and usually voted that way, but I have been driven hard into the Democratic voting bloc in recent years because of what the Republican Party has become. With our very democracy now on the line, ideological nuance has exited stage left for me.
    @hmp 10

    Do you imagine there is a saboteur at Lucid ?
    I've had 2.5 years of trouble-free experience, then suddenly: bricked.
    I'm seeing way too many foreboding posts. Now you too ??
    I was about to make an offer on a DE ... now having second thoughts.

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

    Not all paranoids are wrong.

    I'm attributing these HV battery failures to the difficultly of engineering them. I had to have a battery pack and a rear drive unit replaced on our 2015 Tesla, and there have been widespread issues with Chevy Bolt, Porsche, and Hyundai/Kia battery packs.

    You'll get an 8 year / 100K warranty on the battery, and the Dream Edition is such a phenomenal car to drive and passengers find it so comfortable that I'm willing to live with the risks of so much new technology. But I do approach the purchase based on whether I think I'll get enough value for what I paid on the assumption that at the end of the warranty period it might have nothing but salvage value remaining.

    If you're comfortable with that kind of calculation, I'd say go for it.
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