Recent content by hmp10

  1. H

    Dream Edition aiyoooo!

    Mine didn't because they delivered the damn thing with an accelerator pedal.
  2. H

    How is the Press Responding to the opening of Gravity Orders?

    Has anyone seen any mention in the automotive press of the Gravity Dream Edition? I can find nothing from the major outlets -- only a couple of social media threads with a good chunk of the usual misinformation. Even a "Motor Trend" update three days ago about Gravity specs and pricing made no...
  3. H

    Gravity 75 mph Range

    Yep, understood that. That's what I meant by the seats all folding to the same level. I didn't mean you couldn't put something like a flat piece of plywood in it. However, if you tried to use an air or foam mattress for camping, you would have to cover that gap unless you don't mind that...
  4. H

    Gravity 75 mph Range

    I think the semantics get confusing. When Lucid says the rear rows fold to form a flat floor, they do not mean in the sense that a piece of plywood is flat. What they really mean is that all the seats fold to the same level. Note where the yellow arrow is pointing in the picture below. As...
  5. H

    Gravity 75 mph Range

    That was my assumption, too. However, I can't get two comments from the recent Gravity test drive videos out of my mind. One was Kyle Conner's remark that the Gravity might actually handle better than the Air. (And earlier in the day of the test drive he had returned an Air on which he just...
  6. H

    Gravity 75 mph Range

    This interchange between you and @borski is like a time warp for me. @borski's question is me 30 years ago. Your answer is me today. Ah, the waters that have flowed under those bridges in the interim . . . . :rolleyes:
  7. H

    This I like...Things I don't...Things I miss as a former Tesla M3 owner

    The choice to go with a trunk instead of a hatchback has been a controversial choice for many since the Air's introduction. But there was a reason for it. When Peter Rawlinson arrived at Tesla as Chief Engineer to oversee the development of the original Model S, he was told the only part of...
  8. H

    Gravity 75 mph Range

    Sorry, I confused exponential with quadratic. It's been over half a century since I sat in an algebra class. 🥴 But doesn't it still mean that aerodynamic drag quadruples with a doubling of speed?
  9. H

    Tire/Wheel Discussion

    Interesting. I suspect the former, as Eric Bach, the Chief Engineer of Lucid, has said that on his personal Gravity he's going to have two sets of wheels: the 22/23" for optimized handling, and the 20/21" for road tripping range. (Of course, all he probably has to do to switch the wheels is...
  10. H

    Gravity 75 mph Range

    I don't have a good answer, either. All I know is that fluid dynamics is a very complicated science with a huge number of variables at play. I wonder if some element of the car's design contributes to a lower Cd at one speed but can go in the opposite direction at a higher speed? If so, maybe...
  11. H

    Tire/Wheel Discussion

    The Gravity is a bit unusual, first in offering three wheel size options, and second in keeping the same tread widths across all three options. With lessening the role of tread width in the equation, how much does wheel diameter alone affect cornering grip and response? I assume a shorter...
  12. H

    Tire/Wheel Discussion

    I just switched my Dream order from the 22/23" to the 21/22" and plan to mount Pirelli P Zeros as soon as the car arrives. (I live in south Florida and don't take road trips up north during cold season.) The two smaller wheel options open up the tire choices considerably compared to the...
  13. H

    Gravity Delivery Discussion

    This will be old news for some, but . . . For anyone who needs a way to while away the tedious days of waiting for their Gravity to be delivered, a way to stay reminded of what it is we're waiting for and why it's worth it are two videos I would recommend watching (or rewatching, if you share...
  14. H

    Rear-ended by a 100MPH drunk driver

    Our Air Dream T-boned a Subaru WRX that turned left across our path of travel. Both cars were totaled, and both were insured by State Farm. The other driver was deemed 100% at fault. State Farm paid the first $100K to replace our car from the other driver's liability coverage and the $30K+...
  15. H

    Is it always so hot in the service department???

    Maybe the car had just been moved inside from sitting in the sun in a parking lot?