Air Conditioning


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Verified Owner
Jan 7, 2022
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Charlotte, NC
73 Mustang Conv & the GT
One question I saw over on the other Forum that did not have any answers yet, but that I am very interested in is the air conditioning. I know it is winter, but do any of you in warmer climates have any input on how good the AC is? How quickly does it cool the car down and do you think it will withstand the hot humid summers?

I would not have thought I would need to ask such a basic question, but given the other issues that have come up, it seemed more than justified.
One question I saw over on the other Forum that did not have any answers yet, but that I am very interested in is the air conditioning. I know it is winter, but do any of you in warmer climates have any input on how good the AC is? How quickly does it cool the car down and do you think it will withstand the hot humid summers?

I would not have thought I would need to ask such a basic question, but given the other issues that have come up, it seemed more than justified.
I don't think you can get an honest assessment until it's hot. No one who has taken delivery is in any area that has been particularly hot. On warmer days it seems to be fine to me, but the lowest setting 1, is not adequate to cool just to keep the car from getting stuffy. At 10 it blasts pretty strong imo.
We live in south Florida and have had some sunny days in the 80's. The A/C has cooled the cabin down nicely so far. However, when you use the toggle switch on the dashboard to adjust the temperature manually it kicks the A/C out of auto mode for some reason. You have to go into the A/C menu on the Pilot Screen to turn auto mode back on. In our other cars, you can adjust the temperature without killing the auto mode. The Lucid approach negates some of the usefulness of being able to quickly adjust the temperature. (You can also change the temperature via Alexa, but -- as with most Alexa functionally -- it only worked once, and I didn't notice what it did to the auto mode.)
Well, that certainly needs to be remedied. the whole point of having any type of switch is to make those kinds of adjustments quickly. I would have thought as you did as well, toggle the temp up or down for the new auto-controlled setting. Is there a switch for both the passenger and the driver?

I do not ever plan to use Alexa for anything since I do not use it in my home. Heck, I do not have discussions with Siri either.

You have to really wonder if they tested the car at all for user practicality? What were they really doing for the last six months? It is almost as if they said to themselves, "let's introduce a limited edition, insanely expensive, incomplete lump of clay and let the guinea pigs tell us what needs to be added/fixed". The list of missing little things and minor annoyances doesn't seem to end.
Well, that certainly needs to be remedied. the whole point of having any type of switch is to make those kinds of adjustments quickly. I would have thought as you did as well, toggle the temp up or down for the new auto-controlled setting. Is there a switch for both the passenger and the driver?

I do not ever plan to use Alexa for anything since I do not use it in my home. Heck, I do not have discussions with Siri either.

You have to really wonder if they tested the car at all for user practicality? What were they really doing for the last six months? It is almost as if they said to themselves, "let's introduce a limited edition, insanely expensive, incomplete lump of clay and let the guinea pigs tell us what needs to be added/fixed". The list of missing little things and minor annoyances doesn't seem to end.
Which lucid do you have?
I will have a Grand Touring at some point, hopefully. I confirmed my order mid-November.
Is there a switch for both the passenger and the driver?

There are toggle switches for both driver and front passenger. However, toggling either switch kills the auto mode on both sides. Makes no sense.
It really should not be "taking it out of the norm". It should just be resetting the auto. My M5 and my wife's GLS450 allow you to change the temp without taking it out of "auto" so that the temp stays the same regulated by the fan speed and air temp. It sounds like changing the temp via the toggle switches tells the car to maintain the temp, but not regulate the fan speed. I do not know what it does with fan speed at that point. Now, if I change the fan speed in either of our current cars, it takes it out of "auto".

It also could be that my car's heat or AC may be either "on" or "off" and that cabin temp is regulated under "auto" by fan speed. What happens with the Lucid? Sounds like if you change the temp with the toggle, "auto" is turned off. Does that mean it also turns the fan off?
Why doesn’t that make sense if your taking it out of the norm

The auto mode does several things. It adjusts the A/C unit's output and the fan speed as needed to reach the newly set temperature. And it continues to adjust these things as exterior conditions (sunshine, external temperature, etc.) change the loads on the system.

Usually, when you adjust the temperature while in auto mode, it's just because you want to be a little warner or a little cooler, but you don't want the car to quit adjusting the fan and A/C output to keep that new temperature you have chosen. Right now, just adjusting the temperature up or down a degree or two means that, unless you go back into the lower screen menu to re-engage auto mode, you're also taking on the need to adjust other things manually as cabin temperature drifts up or down, which is probably not what you wanted to do. (You have the auto mode "off" switch to do that.)

In our Honda, for instance, we keep the temperature set at 70 in auto mode. Then, if we're dressed unusually heavily or lightly or are a bit hot or cold from staying outside for a while, we just tap a toggle switch to raise or lower the temperature accordingly. The auto system stays engaged and continues to make the necessary fan and A/C output adjustments to hold that new temperature.

What happens with the Lucid? Sounds like if you change the temp with the toggle, "auto" is turned off. Does that mean it also turns the fan off?

Yes, it does. I found this out only today. We went to the botanical gardens and did a lot of walking. The car was parked in direct sunshine, and the A/C did not come on strong when we got back in. We were both sweating a bit and toggled both switches to lower temperatures. Nothing happened. I thought it might be another one of the excruciatingly slow responses of the Lucid, but as we continued to drive, we just kept getting hotter and hotter, with no air coming out of any of the vents. We toggled both fans up to "10", and still no airflow. It was 70 degrees outside, and we usually keep the auto mode set at 70, so I thought that the A/C's programming might be having trouble figuring out what to do with a hot interior and a cooler outside. Finally, we had to let the windows down to make the car bearable.

As the interior cooled off and we raised the windows, I thought things might work again. But still no air out of the vents, and the car started heating up again. Finally, I opened up the A/C menu on the Pilot Screen and found that both sides had been taken out of auto mode -- and that the whole A/C system had been turned off. I then remembered that, just before arriving at the botanical gardens, my passenger had adjusted the temperature on his side with the toggle switch. I turned auto mode back on, and the system fired right up and began to cool the car. With everything now running properly, I decided to toggle the temperature on my side to see what happened. When I went back into the A/C menu, sure enough, the toggle had taken both sides out of auto mode.
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The auto mode does several things. It adjusts the A/C unit's output and the fan speed as needed to reach the newly set temperature. And it continues to adjust these things as exterior conditions (sunshine, external temperature, etc.) change the loads on the system.

Usually, when you adjust the temperature while in auto mode, it's just because you want to be a little warner or a little cooler, but you don't want the car to quit adjusting the fan and A/C output to keep that new temperature you have chosen. Right now, just adjusting the temperature up or down a degree or two means that, unless you go back into the lower screen menu to re-engage auto mode, you're also taking on the need to adjust other things manually as cabin temperature drifts up or down, which is probably not what you wanted to do. (You have the auto mode "off" switch to do that.)

In our Honda, for instance, we keep the temperature set at 70 in auto mode. Then, if we're dressed unusually heavily or lightly or are a bit hot or cold from staying outside for a while, we just tap a toggle switch to raise or lower the temperature accordingly. The auto system stays engaged and continues to make the necessary fan and A/C output adjustments to hold that new temperature.

Yes, it does. I found this out only today. We went to the botanical gardens and did a lot of walking. The car was parked in direct sunshine, and the A/C did not come on strong when we got back in. We were both sweating a bit and toggled both switches to higher temperatures. Nothing happened. I thought it might be another one of the excruciatingly slow responses of the Lucid, but as we continued to drive, we just kept getting hotter and hotter, with no air coming out of any of the vents. We toggled both fans up to "10", and still no airflow. It was 70 degrees outside, and we usually keep the auto mode set at 70, so I thought that the A/C's programming might be having trouble figuring out what to do with a hot interior and a cooler outside. Finally, we had to let the windows down to make the car bearable.

As the interior cooled off and we raised the windows, I thought things might work again. But still no air out of the vents, and the car started heating up again. Finally, I opened up the A/C menu on the Pilot Screen and found that both sides had been taken out of auto mode -- and that the whole A/C system had been turned off. I then remembered that, just before arriving at the botanical gardens, my passenger had adjusted the temperature on his side with the toggle switch. I turned auto mode back on, and the system fired right up and began to cool the car. With everything now running properly, I decided to toggle the temperature on my side to see what happened. When I went back into the A/C menu, sure enough, the toggle had taken both sides out of auto mode.

hopefully, they will change this. A truly stupid way to operate an AC system.
Okay I just checked it and that's not how it works. It stays on auto if you just adjust the temp but takes it off auto if you adjust the fan speed.

So, same as anything else.
Okay I just checked it and that's not how it works. It stays on auto if you just adjust the temp but takes it off auto if you adjust the fan speed.

I just checked mine again, and it's now working this way. However, remember that my system also turned all the way off today by using the toggle switches. As I wrote earlier, today was the first time I noticed this. I'm now suspecting that what I experienced earlier today was another artifact of the computer hardware malfunction that is generating bizarre behavior over several functions randomly. (Lucid is replacing my Pilot Screen, main computer, and computer cooling system next week.)

Another thing, though. Sometimes when I get in the car, the vents make a high-pitched whistling/rattling noise that only stops when I toggle one of the fan switches up and down. Has anyone else experienced this? (I made an audio recording of it, but the file's too big to load here unless someone can tell me how. It's a 7.8MB MOV file.)
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I just checked mine again, and it's now working this way. However, remember that my system also turned all the way off today by using the toggle switches. As I wrote earlier, today was the first time I noticed this. I'm now suspecting that what I experienced earlier today was another artifact of the computer hardware malfunction that is generating bizarre behavior over several functions randomly. (Lucid is replacing my Pilot Screen, main computer, and computer cooling system next week.)

Another thing, though. Sometimes when I get in the car, the vents make a high-pitched whistling/rattling noise that only stops when I toggle one of the fan switches up and down. Has anyone else experienced this? (I made an audio recording of it, but the file's too big to load here unless someone can tell me how. It's an MOV file.)
Negatory on that noise for me
Negatory on that noise for me

I just got off the phone with Customer Care. I played the recording for them, and they could hear the noise clearly. The rattling part of the noise sounds like a bad fan bearing, so they're going to add it to the list of things the Service Center will handle when they pick the car up next week.
By the way, I just want to thank the posters on this board who can check out the issues I'm having with their own cars to help me understand whether I'm dealing with a widespread issue or something unique to my car. It's become clear that my car has a rare (and, let's hope, maybe unique) hardware issue in addition to the more common software issues others are encountering, and it's very helpful to me in communicating with the Service Center when I can describe my issue in the context of what others are or are not experiencing.
By the way, I just want to thank the posters on this board who can check out the issues I'm having with their own cars to help me understand whether I'm dealing with a widespread issue or something unique to my car. It's become clear that my car has a rare (and, let's hope, maybe unique) hardware issue in addition to the more common software issues others are encountering, and it's very helpful to me in communicating with the Service Center when I can describe my issue in the context of what others are or are not experiencing.
Keep it coming, but hopefully not. Found another issue with my car regarding the rear sun shade getting stuck after pushing the shade button. Couldn't be resolved at service so a replacement is being ordered.