SiriusXM SurrealSound vs SurrealSound Pro


Active Member
Apr 11, 2024
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New Hampshire
Air Touring
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Help me out here Air experts. Listened to a number of Airs on my test drive Sunday. Was trying to hear the difference between SS and SSPro. Is there any difference in the way the Air plays back SiriusXM with SS vs SS Pro. Do the extra speakers get used for SiriusXM or do they only get used for Tidal music ?

I’m fairly picky about sound normally having been an Audiophile in a past life. But to my ears SiriusXM sounded the same in both. However when I then listened to Spotify in a SS vehicle it sounded very bass light in comparison and I started to wonder if there was a difference between SS and SS pro for SiriusXM as well ?

To my ears SiriusXM sounds much warmer than Spotify did.
SiriusXM is just not high quality, and as far as I know it’s stereo. Same for Spotify. The extra speakers in SSP will be used for stereo audio, they’re just not doing anything particularly interesting. To actually use all the speakers for independent channels, built-in Tidal (not Bluetooth) is currently the only option, and you have to search for Atmos tracks, or favorite some Atmos playlists in your account. You can play high quality audio tracks from a flash drive, but not Atmos (with all the channels). You’ll get decently high quality audio from your phone over Bluetooth using Apple Music, Tidal, or some other source that is actually high quality. If you go back for another demo and can use Tidal, make sure you see the Atmos logo next to whatever track you play:

There are also some threads with Atmos track recommendations on here if you do some searching.

No idea if this is what you experienced, but there is a known issue (with a known quick fix) regarding the footwell woofers dropping out in some cars, resulting in empty bass.
Thanks. I was under the impression at least from this forum and chatting to sales that unless you were using Tidal with Dolby Atmos that SSP wasn't much different if at all compared to SS. In the end after listening briefly, and playing musical chairs with inventory, I ended getting a Touring with just SS (I don't use Tidal and don't intend to get it). Hoping that the sound is at least the same as what I heard while test driving the Touring, which was playing SiriusXM at the time and sounded pretty reasonable.

(I'll know in a few hours when my car is delivered !)