Lane keep assist not recognizing lane markings


Verified Owner
Jul 4, 2023
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Hi All, quick question. Does Lane Keep Assist work fine for everyone at all times without HA or ACC. I love that in .10 version, they made it alert only and I don't have to fight with steering wheel but I noticed it doesn't work on all streets/roads even when they are well marked. For example, it might recognize the center lane marking but not side markings and vice versa. So far, I haven't seen working by accurately recognizing markings on both sides of the lane. With HA turned on and driving in highways, it seems to work well. Before calling CS, wanted to check if this is how it works or is there an issue?
My HA overall works fine but I faced issues two times. At one time, some part of left solid lane marking was erased at the road. If I would not take over the control of the car , the car was going to move to the opposite lane when I was turning the curve.
Another issue I realized was at the short lane marking when I was taking the exit. It definitely doesnt recognize it.
Hi All, quick question. Does Lane Keep Assist work fine for everyone at all times without HA or ACC. I love that in .10 version, they made it alert only and I don't have to fight with steering wheel but I noticed it doesn't work on all streets/roads even when they are well marked. For example, it might recognize the center lane marking but not side markings and vice versa. So far, I haven't seen working by accurately recognizing markings on both sides of the lane. With HA turned on and driving in highways, it seems to work well. Before calling CS, wanted to check if this is how it works or is there an issue?
All these auto drive features are experimental, so they are not perfect. It is an improvement for some bad drivers on the road, but I would not rely on it. The more you drive on it, more understanding you will have about when not to trust the system.
Hi All, quick question. Does Lane Keep Assist work fine for everyone at all times without HA or ACC..
You must buy, and you must use Highway Assist in order for the system to automatically keep your car within a lane.

If you didn't pay for Highway Assist or activate Highway Assist, you have to manually steer the car.

You need to turn on ACC first before you can use Highway Assist. No ACC means no Highway Assist, and that means you have to manually steer the car.

...I noticed it doesn't work on all streets/roads even when they are well marked.

Highway Assist only works in HD pre-mapped areas and that means it should not work in the cities for now.

...With HA turned on and driving in highways, it seems to work well. Before calling CS, wanted to check if this is how it works or is there an issue?
Currently, that is the domain of Highway Assist: on HD pre-mapped highways. It is doing what is designed to do.
My wife’s comment when I was using HA and she saw all the little jiggling necessary to keep the car from getting upset was, ‘If you need to do all that, why not just steer it yourself?’. She actually wasn’t being flip and worse, I had no good response. 🙄
My wife’s comment when I was using HA and she saw all the little jiggling necessary to keep the car from getting upset was, ‘If you need to do all that, why not just steer it yourself?’. She actually wasn’t being flip and worse, I had no good response. 🙄
She is 100% correct and a logical thinker.
I tried HA for a few minutes once.
It's very annoying.
She is 100% correct and a logical thinker.
I tried HA for a few minutes once.
It's very annoying.
Because driving the 5, from LA to SF, and also the 10, from LA to Phoenix, is boring and mostly straight, so just a jiggle every now and then is better than steering full time, for me at least.
She is 100% correct and a logical thinker.
I tried HA for a few minutes once.
It's very annoying.
I use HA almost every day and on most of the highways here in Houston it works well. It can still drift out of lanes on some curves.
I use HA almost every day and on most of the highways here in Houston it works well. It can still drift out of lanes on some curves.
But, why?
Don't you want to be in control of the car all the time?
Especially such a fabulous driving machine?
Is it great, no. Is it usable, yes. I only use it now for long stretches of boring highway driving with minimal jiggling with my left hand resting on the bottom part of the wheel. Any other times, I actually drive the car to not be annoyed with what's wrong with it. Hopefully, future OTA updates will make it better since a lot of us paid for this with certain expectations on how it should work.
Because driving the 5, from LA to SF, and also the 10, from LA to Phoenix, is boring and mostly straight, so just a jiggle every now and then is better than steering full time, for me at least.
So, your problem is... the location.
Sorry if I'm "zombie'ing" this thread.
Figured I'd give some feedback on my Lane Keep Assist experience so far.
I have a '23 Air Pure, with regular DreamDrive.
Lane Keep Assist has been pretty useless for me, on the Air, and I have to surmise it's because of standard DreamDrive and its lack of additional cameras.
It will often give departure alerts and try to intervene on goofy things like tar stripes, or angled lane lines.
My other Grand Cherokee has the 360 cameras, with mirror cams, and the lane departure on that is far far more precise.

I wonder if Lucid can improve the Lane Assist with just the two front/rear cameras in future OTA updates....seems like a tall order.
For now I've got it set to "warning only" because being so flakey, I don't want it grabbing the wheel anymore.
Sorry if I'm "zombie'ing" this thread.
Figured I'd give some feedback on my Lane Keep Assist experience so far.
I have a '23 Air Pure, with regular DreamDrive.
Lane Keep Assist has been pretty useless for me, on the Air, and I have to surmise it's because of standard DreamDrive and its lack of additional cameras.
It will often give departure alerts and try to intervene on goofy things like tar stripes, or angled lane lines.
My other Grand Cherokee has the 360 cameras, with mirror cams, and the lane departure on that is far far more precise.

I wonder if Lucid can improve the Lane Assist with just the two front/rear cameras in future OTA updates....seems like a tall order.
For now I've got it set to "warning only" because being so flakey, I don't want it grabbing the wheel anymore.
Lane Departure Protection isn't any better with DreamDrive Pro. I think many have turned it off or just have it set to give the haptic feedback rather than intervene.
Sorry if I'm "zombie'ing" this thread.
Figured I'd give some feedback on my Lane Keep Assist experience so far.
I have a '23 Air Pure, with regular DreamDrive.
Lane Keep Assist has been pretty useless for me, on the Air, and I have to surmise it's because of standard DreamDrive and its lack of additional cameras.
It will often give departure alerts and try to intervene on goofy things like tar stripes, or angled lane lines.
My other Grand Cherokee has the 360 cameras, with mirror cams, and the lane departure on that is far far more precise.

I wonder if Lucid can improve the Lane Assist with just the two front/rear cameras in future OTA updates....seems like a tall order.
For now I've got it set to "warning only" because being so flakey, I don't want it grabbing the wheel anymore.
Okay, I see. Just remember there are 2 different items which have been confused about sharing the same name

Lane Keep Assist/Lane Departure Protection - This feature just helps keep your in your lane, is only available between 30-124mph for detecting lane markings and only from 40-85 for road edges. It nudges you back into the lane but does not keep you centered.

Highway Assist - Active steering to keep you centered in your lane.
Okay, I see. Just remember there are 2 different items which have been confused about sharing the same name

Lane Keep Assist/Lane Departure Protection - This feature just helps keep your in your lane, is only available between 30-124mph for detecting lane markings and only from 40-85 for road edges. It nudges you back into the lane but does not keep you centered.

Highway Assist - Active steering to keep you centered in your lane.
Duly noted.
My model does not have the Highway Assist.
Only the Lane Keep Assist, which doesn't work too well.
I used highway assist most of the time on I 5, 101 80, 680 280 880 in CA and all the way from CA to Monreal Canada and back. In construction areas and where I can see that the lane markers are not OK or not visible due to reflections on wet roads, I take over.
Duly noted.
My model does not have the Highway Assist.
Only the Lane Keep Assist, which doesn't work too well.
That's what I'm trying to understand is what you mean by it doesn't work too well
That's what I'm trying to understand is what you mean by it doesn't work too well
Well, comparing the system to the same system in my '23 Grand Cherokee (yes both are "just" lane keep assit), the GC will very consistently notice and nudge me back in the lane as the tires approach and almost touch the lane line/road edge. It will then haptically inform while still applying gentle steering force if the wheels cross the lane line.

The Air Pure, is very inconsistent in its intervention, or lack of.
There are times the wheel will nudge me and give haptic feedback when I'm perfectly within my lane. Sometimes thrown off by articulating lane lines, tarred cracks, or around right or left turn lanes, or shoulders, parking lanes etc.
There are even times I've tested it and crossed the lane lines entirely, and the system did not intervene until I was a (perceived) foot or more over the lane line.

My hypothesis on these two differing results from two systems is that:
- the Grand Cherokee model has a 360 camera system, with added cameras on the side mirrors to best see lane lines on either side.
- the Air Pure only has front and rear cameras, and so does its best to extrapolate lane location with just two cameras, not in the best line of site.