Great Service Experience-sales model plus GT vs Pure AWD quick initial impressions


Verified Owner
Oct 12, 2023
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2023 BMW M2, 1994 W124
Service experience- Sales model
I had a few small issues on delivery in October of my Pure. 2 cosmetic plus the tunk needed adjusted for proper alingment. I let the service center know that nothing was pressing so they could schedule me when the parts were in and a loner was available. I live in Ohio and the nearest service center is in Michigan. Jason at the Lucid service center was great, he kept me infomed of the scheduled pick up date and made sure to keep me updated on the repairs. Car was picked up and returned via enclosed carrier in perfect condition with all repairs completed as reqeusted. The cost to do the existing service model is high and not scalable. Plus if I do have any other issues I will be waiting weeks to get scheduled.
I was thinking that what Fisker is doing by partnering with existing dealers is a better model. If Lucid went this route it could open the footprint of locations to major metro markets quickly, this would help to fix the exposure issue and give them access to existing luxury dealers customer base. Most luxury dealers are multiple namplate points of sale. If more people were aware of how great these cars are more it could only help sales. It would also free up $ for future models. Paying the middle man to handle no haggle sales would also off load inventory costs and operational expenses. My purchase experience was painful at best, it took weeks to do the paperwork and had I not really wanted this car it would not have happend. Existing luxury dealerships are efficent at this and can have you in and out same day. If Lucid properly vetted the potential partners and put in place high standards for the sales and service experience the non direct sales model could work.

Pure vs GT inital impressions
The loner was a Grand Touring with the 818 HP. I did not feel seat of the pants that the GT was that much quicker than the AWD Pure, you would think that 818 HP vs 480HP would be very noticible. I did not feel the differnce in power in day to day driving and defintly would not pay for that upgrade. I did notice the difference in the ride. The GT had the 21" wheels where my Pure has the 19". The ride of the GT on the 21's was definitly less luxuirois than on 19's very flinty back to back on the same road.
As for features, the GT is king with the glass roof, nicer leather seats, suede dash and dream drive pro. The seats did not feel any more comftorble but the message feature was a plus, however it would create a vibration against the console on certain modes I am sure this is just an adjustment to the alingment of the console. The one feature I wish I had was the Glass roof it really opens up the car and adds a special feel. I also thought I would not like the 2 tone interior in person but it really adds to the luxury vibe of the car.
So my perfect spec would be a standard Air Touring with the glass roof, 19" wheels, and Tahoe interior.
I got a GT as a loaner on a recent service visit and I agree with everything you addressed here. I wish I had the glass roof, otherwise I really love my Pure.
If Lucid went this route it could open the footprint of locations to major metro markets quickly, this would help to fix the exposure issue and give them access to existing luxury dealers customer base.
The issue with this is consistency of quality. I think it’s a good idea, but keeping standards high is really hard if you don’t control it.