New profile posts

still interested in selling the touring? what is the interior color by the way? and interested in knowing what number you had in mind to sell?
Viktor VonDoom
Honestly, haven't really thought too much about it...Not really sure what I'd ask for it..

Interior is black leather.
hi patrick is your referral code still good, can you please check if your reached your max of 8 uses?
Hey quick question. I have an electrician currently installing my home charger. I noticed you know a lot about this. We are installing my charger for a 60 amp breaker to charge at 48 amps. He is currently using a 6 gauge wire. We are planning on using a copper barrel mechanical lug that was previously recommended to use on this forum instead of the compression lug. So far just wanted to make sure that seems okay
Use compression lugs. Lucid will not warranty the EVSE if you do not use compression lugs. One of the other forum members learned that the hard way and had to have an electrician come back and swap the lugs before Lucid would warranty it.
Hi, I am buying a Lucid Air Pure and would appreciate if you could share your referral Code.
Hi, We are buying a Lucid Air Pure in Plano, and would appreciate if you are not maxed out on your referrals, would you Please share your referral code.
Hello, Sorry to post directly on your profile didn't find an option to message you directly here. Was wondering if I can use your referral code for leasing Lucid Air pure? (I79OY1W7)
Thanks for wanting to use my code. I'm (un)fortunately maxed for the year, so my code won't work. If you post a thread in the Referral subforum, you'll get plenty of eager folks with available codes to help you out. Enjoy the car!
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Thank you very much!
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Hi - Is your referral code still not used up, and could I use it?
Still not used up!

Code: XPXR585M

If they ask for my name it is Patrick. Let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you!!
Judd-I’m wondering if your referral code is available for use. Please let me know.
Same. I've already tried using a code that was maxed out. Also, is this considered a DM in this forum?
23 Touring

Where in FL are you? Cool looking car. Might be more than I really need, but, have you considered what you'd ask for it? TY
Viktor VonDoom
Just saw this....I'm not sure why I didn't see it before, but I'm here now lol....
Really not sure what I'd ask on it...Has less than 1K on it now....I travel every week, so it just sits in the garage.
I sent you a DM.
Thank you for sharing your referral code. I will let you know once I place the order.
Great! You will love the car! Let me know if you have any questions.
Sorry to bother you but I'm in Charlotte, too and am about to pull the trigger on a Demonstrator Grand Touring, coming from a Tesla Model S. I was curious about your experience with the Lucid navigation system and about charging away from home, or any other pros or cons you've experienced. I don't really need a new car, and am very happy with my Tesla, but I am intrigued by Lucid and don't want to regret this move. Any light you can shed would be appreciated. Thanks so much.