New profile posts

Thanks for your reply to my message!

Little software glitches would only annoy me if I could not drive the car, but it sounds like that isn't what you are describing.
Is there a lot in the area? Is that the Manhasset show room? I know the savings is 2k for anything on the lot. I am in Great Neck so very easy to get to! But I see King of Prussia is the place that has inventory.
Pure is RWD... how do you manage the winter? I was planning Touring for this reason. I don't have the money/space to get dedicated winter tires.
Do you think/know when the credit will go away? I don't plan to order until June if all my research is positive (so far so good!)
7500 tax credit is on the books through this year at least, but with this Administration anything can change. Also interest rate fluctuations will effect the lease cost. I'm not sure which way they will go. I hit the sweet spot, my cost of funds was under 2%.
I bought in June as well. Inventory is thinner but they are making way for the new model year so the discounts were good.
My hope is I can find something local, but if I have to drive to KoP or somewhere nearby, I'd happily do it to save 2k (current offer).
From when you worked with your sales advisor, how long did it take you to get the car? I see that it ranges for people.
Pure does not have AWD anymore; you have to go up to Touring to get it.
I will ask you any other questions if I think of them, thanks so much for your help!
Mine took a bit because I'm self-employed and the bank kept asking for more info. One that was fixed it was maybe 4 days to delivery including getting it to Plainview from KoP

I see that you live in LI like me, and I would like the perspective of someone who lives close.

I am interested in eventually leasing a Lucid Air Touring. I am not far from the Plainview Service Center, and the Manhasset showroom.

Can you talk about your experience with getting and owning the car. Whatever you are willing to share would be helpful! I've read a lot on the forum, just looking to get a local perspective.

Lucid will periodically offer free upgrades and/or special lease rates. I was ready to complete the deal on a basic Lucid Pure RWD when I got a call from my sales advisor who located a Pure AWD with this extra equipment. They said it would be exactly the deal I had on the basic car but I could have the upgrades at no cost.

The tear was very small. It was the black/dark gray PureLuxe material which feels like a good quality leather. Very soft and comfortable.
Where/which sales advisor did you work with? Sounds like they went the extra mile for you!
If you don't mind me asking are you on a lease, or did you buy outright? If you leased, are you considering upgrading/purchasing at the end of the your lease? If you bought, do you have any regrets? I know you think highly of the car, so this is good to know.
I bought, and have absolutely no regrets. It’s the best car I’ve ever owned. When I bought the lease pricing was not good, so buying made more sense. If leasing was as attractive as I’ve seen it at times over the last year, I might have leased. My sales advisor, Ted Ziemba, was located in California.

My only concern is not with the car, but with the financial stability of the company. I know most think the Saudis will continue to throw money at Lucid, but there’s no guarantees. I knew that back when I bought and so far things look good.
Hi! I see you are the one of the mods for the NY group and it seems like you live in Long Island.
Just wanted your thoughts on the car and the experience you had buying/servicing and all that. Hopefully you can DM me back and let me know.
I am an old man and I even went to Gilda Radner's one woman show on Broadway (she actually had one other performer...Don Novello as Father Sarducci) as I was living in the City at the time. She was magnificent. It was truly tragic that she died so young from cancer.

But, as Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say...if it's not one thing it's another.

I don't think Gene Wilder ever recovered from her death.

Steve Shiffrin
Buffalo Bob
Buffalo Bob
She was consistently great on SNL, at a time when the show was pretty hit and miss.

Ha! Father Guido Sarducci! I haven't thought about him for years. Loved his bit about the 'comin and a goin planet'.
Buffalo Bob
I see you were at GE. A law school classmate of mine, Ben Heineman, was formerly Senior VP General Counsel there. An interesting aside on that: our entering class was 165 students, only 6 were women and at least two of them became law professors. One of them had to sue the University of California at Berkeley for tenure asserting that her record was better than the males who had received tenure and SHE WON.

While I believe we should try to keep politics out of forums such as this, I do agree with your views on Trump.
Yes, I knew Ben peripherally when I was at GE Corporate, first in national union relations and then in executive development.

I do agree that we should try to keep politics out of the forum although occasionally my posts belie that. I'm just so frustrated about how quickly and thoroughly our highly-evolved system of checks-and-balances and compromise is being flushed down the toilet that I can't restrain myself when someone praises the likes of Elon Musk. Politically I have always been centrist and usually voted that way, but I have been driven hard into the Democratic voting bloc in recent years because of what the Republican Party has become. With our very democracy now on the line, ideological nuance has exited stage left for me.
Hi I'm Shawn and live in Washington State. I'm looking for a referral code. I understand that there is a limit to the times they can be used. I am ditching the felonwagon. Any hope of using yours?

Considering a LUCID GRAVITY to replace my Model X in a couple years. Tesla owner since 2012: Model S 13 P85, 14 P85+, 16.5 90D, Model 23 X, 24 Y, 25 X and 24 Ford Platinum Lightning (cancelled 2 CyberBeasts)
Hey Tam,

Since you live in the central valley area, have you been able to use a Tesla SC to charge your car? Just curious.

Hi Cam:

Officially, only Gravity can use the Tesla Supercharger. The Air series has not been formally approved for that. I haven't heard anyone experiment an Air with a third-party adapter to confirm either way.

I consider the Tesla Supercharger as a backup just like a spare donut tire so I am not in a hurry to buy an adapter and conduct the experiment.

Take care!
Thanks Tam!
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Hi, I was looking at your LucidAir Touring for sale. I am in Arizona, would you be willing to ship the car? I’m not sure how this would work, but are you open to discussing before I go into the weeds on how? Thank you
Hi, thought I'd take this private. The next couple days are quite full for me.... what about Friday?
Sorry I was out of town. Back now. Sure we can chat and try our best.
Would you be available now (11:10 Eastern)
Sorry I’m out of town. Perhaps on Monday?
Is it true that Luicd is pausing pushing out the updates for those who haven't gotten it yet to fix some of these bugs. If yes, any timetable for the revised update?
Blue Lectroid,
I've enjoyed reading your posts. They've been helpful to me in making the decision to order an Air Pure last week. It was supposed to be delivered in mid to late April, but I was told today that it should be finished in a week and delivered by the end of February. So, my timeline suddenly speeded up.

I wondered if it would be alright to use your referral code to drop the cost a bit. John Hastings, the sales associate I'm dealing with, said that I need to "confirm that the code still has uses remaining. If we enter a code that has been overused, it will lock the box and we won't be able to add another." I hope you know what that means better than I do.

Anyway, thanks for considering this request.
Rich Spiegel
Hello. I’m in Buffalo NY as well and was considering getting into a Lucid. I wanted to know your experience owning one here, specifically relating to service/mobile service and also new car order/delivery. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum. Probably easier to have a conversation about it. If you send me your number, I can give you a call tomorrow.

Thanks for the time. Let me try to figure out how to send a DM
Hi fellow Pittsburgher. I am considering an Air Touring (from KoP, probably) and wondering about your experience (given how far we are from service) and whether I could learn more about your car and/or check it out.

I would likely want to use someone's referral code also, and I might as well help a fellow yinzer.
Hey JJM - sorry jut seeing this now. Absolutely. I'll send you a PM with my phone number.