So, I'm very hesitant driving the Sapphire.
Why? Potholes, potholes, potholes.
I've got one already last year, rear 21" tire. Not a pleasant experience when it happens on the left lane highway.
I'd love to drive it more, to far exceed my puny 1,150 miles (as of now).
I dont' know much about wheels, tire sizes, tire circumference (back to front) and such. One thing I know, whatever I do it has to clear huge front calipers.
So, here comes the question to my fellow members.
What if I replace my 21'rear wheels/tires with a set of the front 20' wheel tires instead?
The looks are not the same, I know, but i don't really care, just wanna drive the car more.
Or, if anybody have a better idea?
Maybe, ideally get 19" tires, all four? Possible?
Why? Potholes, potholes, potholes.
I've got one already last year, rear 21" tire. Not a pleasant experience when it happens on the left lane highway.
I'd love to drive it more, to far exceed my puny 1,150 miles (as of now).
I dont' know much about wheels, tire sizes, tire circumference (back to front) and such. One thing I know, whatever I do it has to clear huge front calipers.
So, here comes the question to my fellow members.
What if I replace my 21'rear wheels/tires with a set of the front 20' wheel tires instead?
The looks are not the same, I know, but i don't really care, just wanna drive the car more.
Or, if anybody have a better idea?
Maybe, ideally get 19" tires, all four? Possible?