QUESTION What could cause this rear undercarriage piece to break?


New Member
Jul 4, 2024
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Just noticed today that the rear bottom aero plastic piece decided it doesn't want to stay on the car... From a glance it seems like I would just need to replace the piece, but it does make me wonder, since there's nothing behind it, what could cause it to break in the first place? Perhaps I bottomed out when trying to leave a parking lot?
That doesn't seem too unlikely. I've bottomed mine out leaving a parking garage.
From the look of it, with the clips still on, it looks like you may have backed out from a high point or curb at an angle. Another scenario is that it was always like this and when they either loaded or unloaded the vehicle during or before delivery Lucid also may have missed this. Contact your advisor and I'm sure they'd be able to help with any trim or plastic. I may be mistaken but that portion being the battery it must be covered and protected from the elements, hence the thick ass plastic.
From the look of it, with the clips still on, it looks like you may have backed out from a high point or curb at an angle. Another scenario is that it was always like this and when they either loaded or unloaded the vehicle during or before delivery Lucid also may have missed this. Contact your advisor and I'm sure they'd be able to help with any trim or plastic. I may be mistaken but that portion being the battery it must be covered and protected from the elements, hence the thick ass plastic.
Seems like backing up onto a wheel stopper in parking lot is a reasonable assumption, though I don't remember hearing anything recently.... There's metal behind the cover so I don't think battery goes that far back, but it definitely hurts efficiency on the highway.