Weird - Lane Departure Protection Suddenly Disabled


Verified Owner
Dec 31, 2024
Reaction score
25' Air Pure
So this evening I was taking my kids home from piano lessons and when I got in the car, I noticed that the Lane Departure Protection fault/disabled light was on. It didn't clear as I drove. I switched it on and off in the dream drive settings screen on the pilot panel, but that didn't change anything. Even weirder, LDP actually engaged once on my drive to keep me from wandering over a line (but the fault light stayed on). When I got home, I did a soft reset and the light is off and the system seems to be working again.

Have others experienced this? My hope is that it was some odd series of events as I turned my car around as we left that confused the system, or that it is a minor software bug that won't recur, but these sorts of things are unsettling in a new car.
Was the LDP icon grey and located far to the right on the display? With "OFF" text present? Or was it only a symbol and yellow in color, for example?

If it was the grey disabled icon, I had an issue with this as well. I personally prefer LDP to be disabled, so I want to see that icon. But for a few months, the LDP system would re-enable itself in between drive sessions. I'd get in and find that the icon was missing, even though I never toggled it. I'd get a nice surprise when the steering forced itself while entering a turn lane. My "solution" was to open the DreamDrive settings and toggle it ON then OFF. But it was a coin toss if the bug would reoccur on the next drive. My service center had the car for several issues, and they claimed to address the LDP problem by "calibrating" it. This made zero sense to me, since that was never the concern. Additionally, they seemed to have reinstalled the software updates because I received Lucid App notifications about updates completing while it was in service. In any case, my particular "LDP re-enabling itself" problem was resolved when I got the car back.

It isn't exactly what you're dealing with, but it may need similar treatment. Needless to say, I wouldn't ignore a system like LDP producing faults. Anything that alters the car's steering behavior needs to work flawlessly. I've heard of owners nearly hitting cyclists/pedestrians on the shoulder because LDP disallowed the driver from sliding over the center line to give that person extra space.
Was the LDP icon grey and located far to the right on the display? With "OFF" text present? Or was it only a symbol and yellow in color, for example?

If it was the grey disabled icon, I had an issue with this as well. I personally prefer LDP to be disabled, so I want to see that icon. But for a few months, the LDP system would re-enable itself in between drive sessions. I'd get in and find that the icon was missing, even though I never toggled it. I'd get a nice surprise when the steering forced itself while entering a turn lane. My "solution" was to open the DreamDrive settings and toggle it ON then OFF. But it was a coin toss if the bug would reoccur on the next drive. My service center had the car for several issues, and they claimed to address the LDP problem by "calibrating" it. This made zero sense to me, since that was never the concern. Additionally, they seemed to have reinstalled the software updates because I received Lucid App notifications about updates completing while it was in service. In any case, my particular "LDP re-enabling itself" problem was resolved when I got the car back.

It isn't exactly what you're dealing with, but it may need similar treatment. Needless to say, I wouldn't ignore a system like LDP producing faults. Anything that alters the car's steering behavior needs to work flawlessly. I've heard of owners nearly hitting cyclists/pedestrians on the shoulder because LDP disallowed the driver from sliding over the center line to give that person extra space.
It was the yellow symbol, so not the same as what you saw. To add to the fun, tonight my collision warning fault light came on. It didn't reset with a soft restart, but did clear after I turned the system off for a few minutes and then turned it back on. Weeee, software/hardware fun!
Okay so from my limited experience with these fault indicators... if the amber LDS icon appeared at some point, and the amber FCW icon also appeared at some point, I would wager that these are issues with the forward-facing camera(s) near the rearview mirror. I've seen an FCW fault while simultaneously seeing the "Front Camera Blocked" message. They both extinguished after a few more seconds of driving. I never saw any kind of obstruction hit the windshield. The sun was directly ahead at a high angle, and I wouldn't be surprised if this caused the temporary failure.
Okay so from my limited experience with these fault indicators... if the amber LDS icon appeared at some point, and the amber FCW icon also appeared at some point, I would wager that these are issues with the forward-facing camera(s) near the rearview mirror. I've seen an FCW fault while simultaneously seeing the "Front Camera Blocked" message. They both extinguished after a few more seconds of driving. I never saw any kind of obstruction hit the windshield. The sun was directly ahead at a high angle, and I wouldn't be surprised if this caused the temporary failure.
That makes sense to me. Both times it has been late in the day and we also have snow on the ground here - making me wonder if it was a camera getting confused by light and dark not where it thinks they should be. I’ll see if it keeps cropping up…