Wanting to step into a Lucid, trouble deciding

Portland should be fine with RWD. Winter tires will do more for you than AWD alone but I'm not sure I'd bother given the infrequent snow days in Portland. We live in Bend and get a decent if inconsistent amount of snow but still a lot more than Portland. Winter tires are absolutely awesome on snow and ice. AWD is still nice for moving from a stop or up a hill on the worst days. PNW has more hills than most of the cold climate cities mentioned so if your home or commute is on one of the steeper hills in Portland, AWD would be nice.
I live in Lake Tahoe and the winters and sleet storms can get pretty heavy. 2 years ago the cumulative snow at the house was something close to 50' (of course it melts between blasts). I've been up here for 11 yrs.
Is ground clearance an issue with the snowfall in Incline ? I'd been waiting for a Gravity to deal with deeper snow and the occasional rutted trailhead roads.