This How You Upgrade from a Touring to a GT


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Dec 6, 2022
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Touring / Cayenne EHybrid
Getting ready to leave this morning, I was greeted by a "Low coolant level, call customer service" notice on the glass cockpit. A visual confirmed the warning:


Called customer service and ten minutes later I get a call from the Houston Service Center. They think it may be a hose clamp getting lose (saw some threads here about that as well). Within two hours, a tech drove to my house in a beautiful infinite black GT as a loaner. I was bummed having picked up the car just this Friday and with it just having 100 miles, but Lucid's responsive to the situation was very positive!

Will keep everyone posted...

Getting ready to leave this morning, I was greeted by a "Low coolant level, call customer service" notice on the glass cockpit. A visual confirmed the warning:

View attachment 11016

Called customer service and ten minutes later I get a call from the Houston Service Center. They think it may be a hose clamp getting lose (saw some threads here about that as well). Within two hours, a tech drove to my house in a beautiful infinite black GT as a loaner. I was bummed having picked up the car just this Friday and with it just having 100 miles, but Lucid's responsive to the situation was very positive!

Will keep everyone posted...

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You must be close to a service center and hopefully they are getting the message that existing owners who forked over 150k or more are their best Brand Ambassadors or Critics.

Glad to hear about the loaner and hope your issue gets resolved permanently. We will be in the Texas summer before we know it and the coolant is such an integral part of our automobiles. Had to get a new radiator in my Lexus because of coolant issue and a leak. Not cheap.
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Yes, lucky Lucid chose to have a service center in Houston. They told me they are working on expanding to other locations, as this one services all of Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma!
Yup. The hose popped. Same thing has happened to several of us. You can see the Munro video which shows the issue of the coolant hose next to a clamp as it is so densely packed.
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Easy fix, NBD.
Yes, Texas to Oklahoma to Lousianna and Arkansas is huge area to be covered by a single Service Center. I am very impressed by that location.