First, thanks to the folks that keep the lights on around here. I've been browsing for a little while now, watching various discussions and topics unfold. Also, whoever put this site together and included a dark mode, I owe you a beer.
I'm intrigued by the Air. For the past handful of years now, I've been wanting to move into an EV to see what it's all about, but for the most part, I've not come across anything that I was too wild about for one reason or another. I've been liking what I'm seeing from the Air so far though. The design specifically, it's both modern, but does well to retain some aspects of current vehicle design that I don't feel need to be reinvented (Hi Tesla!), The range is also, great!
The issue I'm having though is that I currently have a 2022 CT5-V Blackwing, which is special in it's own right in that many are calling it the 'last of the breed' as currently, there are very few options for RWD, V8 powered sedans, and, GM are saying it'll be the last one they do as they move everything over to EVs moving forward.
I'm having a difficult time deciding if the Air is the right direction to go. On one hand, I've never owned an EV before, and I want to learn and see what it's all about, but on the other hand, am I making a mistake by leaving the Blackwing? I have to pick one, unfortunately can't do both for a plethora of reasons. Does one hang on to the 'old' supercharged V8, manual transmission, RWD sedan in an age of increasing fuel prices? Or does one abandon the old ways and become an early adopter of EVs, and the Air specifically?
Anyone else here that consider themselves a car enthusiast and have had to battle with similar decisions and emotions? While I do very much believe EVs are the future, I also believe there is value in keeping a part of where we've come from.
At a minimum I do plan to reserve a spot in line for an Air...