Summer Tire Storage


Apr 26, 2022
Hello, I recently swapped my summer tires for some winters and am wondering how people store them. I have read that they should stored inside, not in the garage, but have also heard it doesnt matter. My garage is unheated and todays temp has been -5 to 12.

Recommend storing inside or will garage be fine?

By no means am I a tire expert but since summer tires don't like cold weather, I would keep them in at least a semi-heated space. As a somewhat experienced married man, the bedroom would be a fine place but then you might take their place in the unheated garage.
Mine are in my storage room of the basement in my condo building
Never gets to freezing temps as the heating system is down there
If you are purchasing from a local tire shop, ask them if they would be willing to store the summer tires for you. My shop was more than happy to do so