Show me your cubby

That’s not the cubby though right? I thought OP was talking about the area behind the display. Not the middle console storage.
Yeah, it doesn’t go inside the cubby. Not sure what OP meant
OP sez whut? I was just talking about the cubby behind the display panel (pilot panel) since beef jerkey sticks don't fit anywhere else
OP sez whut? I was just talking about the cubby behind the display panel (pilot panel) since beef jerkey sticks don't fit anywhere else
I think there’s confusion. I think what borski meant to say is the poster that mentioned the wireless chargers not Op as in you
Wait, there is a storage space behind the Pilot Panel ???????????

Just kidding, I have absolutely nothing in mine. Guess I need to run out and get some beef jerky and mini bottles. What goes with the jerky? Bailey's doesn't seem like a good choice...

Maybe I will put some "air" sickness bags in there for those that don't do well with the acceleration.