Question on energy consumption display


Jan 21, 2025
Reaction score
2025 Air Touring
Hi All. My 2025 AT has been displaying only 1 kwh consumed and 6.21 mi/kwh (which I guess is a max) for ~10 first miles after every new charge at home (see attached pic) which changes quickly thereafter. Is it a normal behavior? Does it affect energy efficiency calculation?
Short answer: this is normal behavior and shouldn't mess up the efficiency calculations.

Long answer: 9.6mi divided by 6.21 mi/kWh is 1.55 kWh.
However, it was chosen to display the capacity (kWh) in integers. In other words, only whole numbers and not decimals. You can see this also in Trip A (70kWh) and Trip B (610 kWh). They do not contain a decimal number.

Sometimes a programmer choose to round off the numbers. In that case it would have shown "2 kWh". In other cases a programmer chooses to only display the first digit. In that case 1.55 is displayed simply as "1". Which seems to be the case here and I believe that it's working as intended.
Well, I guess my question was not the math one. As it is clear from the picture, my average energy efficiency is is ~3.4 mi/kwh. It is not clear to me why during the first 10 miles after every charge it shows 6.21 mi/kwh, which is obviously incorrect.
My bad. In that case I can't answer this question with any certainty.
Are you charging at the same spot every time? For example at home? Because if your regular route after charging is only the slightest bit downhill then suddenly 6.21mi/kWh is very realistic - albeit only for the first few miles.

Coincidentally (or not) 6.21 is exactly 10km. So this seemingly random number could very well be the chosen upper limit.