New York Times NACS Delays Article

A very well-written article. Wish the topic had fewer lingering questions and more answers.
I'll go on record as saying that, tho Lucid has said they will have Tesla NACS access in 2025, I do NOT think that will happen. Hope I'm wrong.
Came across this morning, gift version of the article so should be viewable by everyone.

Tesla's Rivals Still Can't Use Its Superchargers
And fanboys think Musk is smart….you don’t fire your whole supercharger team because you have a big ego….the one thing going for Tesla and he messes it up. And why say you will open it up to other manufacturers and then go slow purposefully on implementation. Ford and GM were the first to wag their tail saying they will use Tesla NACS, and look where it got them- nowhere!! Lazy Detroit executives thought going NACS would save their EV products…they are still miles behind the future big 3- Tesla, Rivian and Lucid
I'll go on record as saying that, tho Lucid has said they will have Tesla NACS access in 2025, I do NOT think that will happen. Hope I'm wrong.
And it'll be Tesla's fault, not Lucid's.
And fanboys think Musk is smart….you don’t fire your whole supercharger team because you have a big ego….the one thing going for Tesla and he messes it up. And why say you will open it up to other manufacturers and then go slow purposefully on implementation. Ford and GM were the first to wag their tail saying they will use Tesla NACS, and look where it got them- nowhere!! Lazy Detroit executives thought going NACS would save their EV products…they are still miles behind the future big 3- Tesla, Rivian and Lucid
Musk is smart. He got all the manufacturers to abandon CCS for NACS for the fever dream of using Tesla's SCS. And now that they've all committed...😈. Not to mention what this will do to the future of other charging companies like EA, Chargepoint or EVGo. Unethical, morally suspect but not stupid - at least IMHO.
A very well-written article. Wish the topic had fewer lingering questions and more answers.

With Musk involved, the lingering questions will never go away. Even the questions that are answered today can have different answers tomorrow depending on his mood, who or what last antagonized him, or what conspiracy theory he most recently came across. Having owned two Teslas, I know from personal experience that what you think you bought today is not what you find out you have tomorrow.

And, whatever the problems other automakers encounter in dealing with Musk, you can be sure Lucid's problems will be worse given the enmity between Musk and Rawlinson.

No one should buy a Lucid based on any expectation that they will be able to charge at Superchargers. If I'm wrong, so much the better. But if I'm right, the people who paid their money to Lucid will be a lot more likely to vent their frustrations on Lucid rather than Tesla.
ChargePoint, at least, is coming out with NACS/CCS combined chargers, no? That way, if you end up with a non-Tesla NACS vehicle, you will still have options while Tesla decides wtf it's doing.

Anyone know EA and EVGo are planning something similar?
ChargePoint, at least, is coming out with NACS/CCS combined chargers, no? That way, if you end up with a non-Tesla NACS vehicle, you will still have options while Tesla decides wtf it's doing.

Anyone know EA and EVGo are planning something similar?
Realistically, they all will have to… the only question is when? With Tesla’s slow roll, do they only need to outfit new chargers or do they need to start retrofitting existing chargers now? A lot of time and expense with the latter and I can see benefits from waiting but not too long …
I still see Musk purposely stalling the NACS rollout to a) keep Tesla sales going instead with the promise of the best charging network and b) keep existing Tesla users happy to not have to wait in longer lines like CCS owners do especially in heavy EV ownership areas like Southern California!

^ I also hope I'm wrong but given that 3 years free supercharging is suddenly a feature for Tesla Model S and Model X to raise sales, gives me pause about it all.
I still see Musk purposely stalling the NACS rollout to a) keep Tesla sales going instead with the promise of the best charging network and b) keep existing Tesla users happy to not have to wait in longer lines like CCS owners do especially in heavy EV ownership areas like Southern California!

^ I also hope I'm wrong but given that 3 years free supercharging is suddenly a feature for Tesla Model S and Model X to raise sales, gives me pause about it all.
I would not say it is free supercharging for Model S or X. You have to pay for that as part of $5000 package that lasts three years and doubt many people will do that. The breakeven point of that package makes little sense for most people.

It may make sense if you lease, but Tesla leases are really bad and are better to buy.
I have an older Model X with lifetime supercharging. On Sunday, I went to the nearest supercharger with 24 stations total, divided in two parts in the same commercial mall. On one side, with 12 chargers, there were four cars waiting on a Sunday. Albeit a busy time, but gotta say, I haven't seen this many cars waiting at a Supercharger since the early years when the wait could be 40 minutes sometimes.
Musk is smart. He got all the manufacturers to abandon CCS for NACS for the fever dream of using Tesla's SCS. And now that they've all committed...😈. Not to mention what this will do to the future of other charging companies like EA, Chargepoint or EVGo. Unethical, morally suspect but not stupid - at least IMHO.
That is called a Conman....he really did a number on them....Ford and GM started the move because they got all afraid their Ev's won't sell. Now the whole industry got screwed by Musk.
It's high time that the industry move toward every car and every charger in this country having the same plug.

Charging at a station associated with Elon Musk is a different matter, as some are already discovering with his delays, layoffs, and games . . . and all will discover soon enough. Having once worked closely with Musk, Peter Rawlinson is more clear-headed about this than other industry executives and government officials, which is why his embrace of NACS has been much more guarded.

But Musk will not be around forever. Tesla will not hold onto its current market share indefinitely. The sooner everyone gets onto the NACS standard, the more prepared we will be for the day when saner heads than Elon Musk and oil-obsessed political buffoons call the shots.
I still see Musk purposely stalling the NACS rollout to a) keep Tesla sales going instead with the promise of the best charging network and b) keep existing Tesla users happy to not have to wait in longer lines like CCS owners do especially in heavy EV ownership areas like Southern California!

^ I also hope I'm wrong but given that 3 years free supercharging is suddenly a feature for Tesla Model S and Model X to raise sales, gives me pause about it all.
This is it exactly - there are exponentially more Teslas already on the road than the other makes who want to use NACS. Slow rolling it keeps your current customers happy that they don’t have to wait on 15 different makes trying to figure out how to park across 3 spots to charge, and it also provides a real competitive advantage as a reason to buy Tesla instead of anyone else. Even when you get access, the speed will be throttled so it won’t be a great experience anyway.
I am actually happy that we have ccs high voltage charging and rangeXchange which NACS does not do now and probably tesla has very little incentive to enable high voltage and bi directional charging. They would rather sell more power walls than allow bidirectional charging or v2h.