Missed Accidents, 20” Aero wheel cover fell off and Range efficiency without it.


Sep 9, 2023
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One of my 20-inch Aero wheel covers fell off while driving on the highway. It was a busy highway and past midnight, so I did not take a chance to go searching for it.

It was a crazy Day/Night, with two almost certain collisions which could have resulted in a very bad situation. 1'st one happened when the emergency brakes kicked in because I had the dream drive set to early notification, and the car in front of me suddenly stopped because the guy in front of him also suddenly stopped. The car behind me would have hit my rear hard if he had not pulled a split second earlier to the left lane. The 2nd incident happened when a truck randomly stopped in the middle of the night while driving at least 60 miles. A car was in front of me, and he almost hit the truck. Luckily, I had changed the dream drive setting to the late warning option by then, so it did not trigger a sudden break but was still a controlled stop, and I could switch lanes before other cars piled up behind the vehicle in front of me. Lucking, no one hit anyone. Not sure if the truck driver just dozed off.

The wheel cover incident was the 3rd incident in the eventful day/night. Has anyone had this happen? And if so, how was it replaced?

Also, what is the range or efficiency of the Touring without the 20" aero wheel covers? The efficiency was about 3.5 today on a long stretch when I had all 4.

I don't want to risk another incident if this happens again and damages the door panels.

Please share any pics if anyone has removed the 20" aero covers and is happy with the looks.
I just took the covers off last night…I do need to order 4 center caps.. I am happy the looks without the aero covers.

I was told by Lucid service that with them off there is more chance of dirt and rust buildup because the brakes are so rarely used with the lucid regen braking.
Will do. :) Every day is a blessing to be alive and to do things that keeps us moving forward.
Absolutely correct!
Two thumbs up for your response.
Last night I hit a pothole with my Air Touring and the front, passenger side Aero Lite wheel cover came off. Somebody pulled along side of me and told me that they saw it happen. Traffic was heavy and I knew that it would be scratched so I didn't search for it. I contacted me service advisor who is ordering me the part. I was already scheduled for work on my frunk in a week and a half so they will just add it to the list. Everything should be fine, I just feel like the cover shouldn't have popped off. Cheap design, I guess
It's a balancing act for design. Make the covers easy to remove so people will freely put them on or take them off. But don't make them so easy they pop off when you are just out and about driving.

Hitting a pothole? Probably did a lot of tests there where it popped off one in every hundred times. Picked a level of stickiness they deemed the correct balance. Looks like you ended up on the outside of that tolerance.

Everything is a tradeoff.
I suppose. Don't really care about the ones that stayed on. Just no mine came off. So I am sure I will have to pay 4-500 for a new cover. They already want $2500 for an option they are selling to new buyers for $2000. (Dream Drive Premium). Wasn't even an option when I bought my car. Some of Lucid's explanations and business practices will probably come back to bite them in the ass.
I suppose. Don't really care about the ones that stayed on. Just no mine came off. So I am sure I will have to pay 4-500 for a new cover. They already want $2500 for an option they are selling to new buyers for $2000. (Dream Drive Premium). Wasn't even an option when I bought my car. Some of Lucid's explanations and business practices will probably come back to bite them in the ass.
Aaaand here we go again.

Those "business" practices are completely legal. I bought some Nike Air Maxes and they added a color I would have got when it came out! Waaaah! I deserve a full refund and a meet and greet with Micheal Jordan!

Guess what? That isn't how it works. They are free to add ANY option they want to, whenever they want. And they have no obligation to give it to you or ever offer it. You bought what YOU wanted in the beginning.

Also, isnt the pothole your fault? Do you expect it to be free? If you got a blowout on your tire because YOU ran over a pothole without a warranty, do you expect to get a new tire for free?

I'm sorry if this sounds aggressive and not very neighborly, but so many people say the same kinds of comments and it gets annoying, fast. How the mods never quit I will never know.
Why are you being so adversarial? And thanks for letting me know how businesses work. I’m sure glad to have that extra bit of knowledge. I do find it
surprising that the plastic insert comes off so easily. The pothole wasn’t large and I surely expect to pay for it. Buyer beware. I get it. For some reason I think this company does most things the right way and I want them to be successful. Most people just don’t want to be nickel and dimed to death. At least this guy.
Why are you being so adversarial? And thanks for letting me know how businesses work. I’m sure glad to have that extra bit of knowledge. I do find it
surprising that the plastic insert comes off so easily. The pothole wasn’t large and I surely expect to pay for it. Buyer beware. I get it. For some reason I think this company does most things the right way and I want them to be successful. Most people just don’t want to be nickel and dimed to death. At least this guy.
Thank you for the explanation. When you discussed the price of the aero inserts, I had assumed that you expected it for free, which I now realize is not true. Obviously, people will want anything to be cheaper, which makes complete sense. However, companies cannot lose money for things, even if they are as minor as this. In fact, Lucid is one of the companies that gives TONS of free service things just as a symbol of gratitude.

However, you do know that your last sentence was completely against the guidelines right? If you know how businesses work, then why did you make the remark on dream drive? Genuinely curious.
I am done. I don't need to make this a pissing match. Have a good day. Enjoy your car.
I am done. I don't need to make this a pissing match. Have a good day. Enjoy your car.
Well first I don’t have a car, lol. Also, I feel like I was trying to be friendly in the last sentence, but that is clearly not how you saw it. Good day.
Last night I hit a pothole with my Air Touring and the front, passenger side Aero Lite wheel cover came off. Somebody pulled along side of me and told me that they saw it happen. Traffic was heavy and I knew that it would be scratched so I didn't search for it. I contacted me service advisor who is ordering me the part. I was already scheduled for work on my frunk in a week and a half so they will just add it to the list. Everything should be fine, I just feel like the cover shouldn't have popped off. Cheap design, I guess
Have you taken your aero covers off and then put them back on? The few times I removed my covers, including washing my car this past afternoon, it takes a lot of force to remove each of the 5 clipped on panels. However, I've found that when putting them back, you need to make sure all 5 panels are fully seated - I've had a few that weren't fully clipped and were sticking out a tiny bit. Could this be why you lost the cover?
I have not taken them off. I have had the car for almost 8 months. I guess it’s just one of those things that happens.