Lucid Paint

First off… love this forum but….
Worrying about paint thickness and ceramic coatings on a beautiful car as is…. Is crazy?
Now if it starts to look like a 80s Saturn then I will do something about it. 2 cents.

I think a lot of this derives from the fact that some of us waited over 3 years to get our cars, during which time the more intrepid among us pored over every detail and tidbit that came out about the car, both from Lucid and from press speculation. Consequently, unlike most buyers who walk into a showroom to buy a new Mercedes or Porsche model, we are awash in years of accumulated digging, fretting, speculating, and obsessing over everything about the car.

It's hard to climb out of a moving rollercoaster, and this forum just keeps the ride going.
I think a lot of this derives from the fact that some of us waited over 3 years to get our cars, during which time the more intrepid among us pored over every detail and tidbit that came out about the car, both from Lucid and from press speculation. Consequently, unlike most buyers who walk into a showroom to buy a new Mercedes or Porsche model, we are awash in years of accumulated digging, fretting, speculating, and obsessing over everything about the car.

It's hard to climb out of a moving rollercoaster, and this forum just keeps the ride going.
Very well said. At least the actual roller coaster of Sprint mode makes me not care about the paint. I’ll live with “better than Tesla paint”, glad Elon set that standard low haha.
So I took delivery of my car last week and had one issue with the paint. There is a small scratch on the drivers side rear panel by where the cantrail meets the body. I attached a picture of it. I have it at a detailer for a full wrap but they don't think they can get it out due to the thin paint and tinted clear coat in the area. They said the paint looked good everywhere else, but it looks like someone already tried to fix this area and thus didn't leave much room to do anything. I did have this noted with Lucid and their service was great in getting back to me and offering to address the issue. They offered to take it and get it repainted, but the concern I have (reiterated by the detailer) is with the zenith red repainting will probably not really match and there will be issues with how the area will look after the work.

Once the wrap is installed it is almost invisible, so I think I am going to roll with that. My feeling is that it will probably be almost undetectable, but repainting might be more obvious in the long run. The service person I am working with is going to let me get decide after getting the car back later this coming week and move forward from there.

I wanted to share this because I think there are a few high level points I am taking from this:
  • It does sounds like paint quality has improved since the early models. I asked the detailer how the paint thickness was on the car and he said it was in line with what they see on other cars except in that one area (indicating work done on it).
  • The beautiful paint with the tinted clear coat on the zenith red will be a little harder to work with if repairs are necessary. I knew this going in, but its so beautiful.
  • Lucid service has been great to work with so far and I feel they are standing behind their product. Things happen sometimes and Lucid is still working out kinks, but my experience gives me the sense they are standing by their product so I feel good about it.
