Looking for Seattle Area Lucid Owner for Test Drive


New Member
Apr 25, 2024
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I am extremely interested in the Lucid Air and would like to test drive one before making a final decision.

Unfortunately, due to local laws here in Seattle, Lucid is unable to offer test drives locally.

With a 1-year old at home it is difficult for me to get time away to go to Vancouver, Cali, or anywhere else that does offer test drives.

I am curious if there are any Seattle area Lucid Air owners who would be gracious enough to offer a test drive in their vehicle. I would be willing to compensate you for your time and am willing to provide my DL/other documents for assurance.

I apologize if this kind of post is not allowed here.
Looks like we have a member here willing to help out, great! If for some reason you need to find somebody else, do try to post it in the Seattle group!

Another option is to try Turo - we rented an Ioniq 5 for a day before we bought one because literally no dealership had them in stock (at the time) and the ones that were coming in were claimed before their tires touched the ground.
I am looking to get one in the Seattle area too and need to test drive. @FlyingFish Can you help me too. Not able to PM you unfortunately.
@dpw261 We can coordinate a test drive perhaps? In the same boat as your with a little one at home and not able to travel to other cities at the moment.

@borski no turo lucids in my area atleast from what I can see.
Another option is to try Turo - we rented an Ioniq 5 for a day before we bought one because literally no dealership had them in stock (at the time) and the ones that were coming in were claimed before their tires touched the ground.
This is actually a great idea. Even a one hour test drive won't give you the same valuable experiences that a day or two with the car will provide. You can also put your car seat in the Lucid and drive around with it (and with your child) to gain additional insight. Do note how wide the rear doors open for ease of child seats.
Another option is to try Turo - we rented an Ioniq 5 for a day before we bought one because literally no dealership had them in stock (at the time) and the ones that were coming in were claimed before their tires touched the ground.
Is Touro safe ? Wondered how the insurance would be? Would it be just allure enterprise or national or any other major rental?
Is Touro safe ? Wondered how the insurance would be? Would it be just allure enterprise or national or any other major rental?
Turo is more like Airbnb. Individuals can list their cars for rent on there. The benefit is you get to actually choose a specific car, not "Honda Civic (or similar)" like the big rental companies. Your own insurance normally covers you if you're driving a short-term rental or borrowing a friend's car, it's no different for Turo.
As for it being safe, like Airbnb, you're dealing with strangers. There's a company giving some level of oversight, but use your best judgement as usual. Look for highly reviewed owners on there, don't meet up to take the car in a dark alley, the usual sort of thing. I don't think it's particularly unsafe.
Turo is more like Airbnb. Individuals can list their cars for rent on there. The benefit is you get to actually choose a specific car, not "Honda Civic (or similar)" like the big rental companies. Your own insurance normally covers you if you're driving a short-term rental or borrowing a friend's car, it's no different for Turo.
As for it being safe, like Airbnb, you're dealing with strangers. There's a company giving some level of oversight, but use your best judgement as usual. Look for highly reviewed owners on there, don't meet up to take the car in a dark alley, the usual sort of thing. I don't think it's particularly unsafe.
You can purchase insurance fwiw: https://help.turo.com/protection-plans-including-insurance-or-us-guests-HkwgBNgN9

But yes, otherwise it is your personal car insurance.

Very important: your credit card insurance benefits do not apply, as it isn’t considered a rental agency.
For Washingtonians willing to drive a little, the Lucid Seattle team does (or has done, anyway) test drive events in Portland. Just contact the Seattle studio and see what they have upcoming. Last year they were alternating monthly events in Idaho and Oregon.
I'm a bit confused. I did a test drive at the Lucid studio at U Village here in Seattle before purchasing my Air Touring.
It’s illegal for Rivian and Lucid to offer test drives in Washington.

I’m not sure when this came into effect or when you had your test drive. I think the ban was fairly new in early 2023 when my wife and I went up to the Seattle studio intending to go out for a test drive and were told “sorry”. They’re also prohibited from discussing pricing. It’s pretty silly and my sales advisor told me that Lucid was lobbying to get the law changed.
I called the Seattle Studio yesterday to try to find out what was going on. They told me that they stopped offering test drives in November 2022. There have been a couple of attempts to change the legislation to allow the direct sales model that Tesla is grandfathered under, but the car dealer lobby has successfully blocked them. Washington is definitely not among the states making having an electric car easy, what with the direct sale prohibition and the high annual registration fee for electric vehicles. Really unfortunate.
Wow! I did my test drive in the summer of 2022. I had no idea the about the new law. That totally sucks.
Wow! I did my test drive in the summer of 2022. I had no idea the about the new law. That totally sucks.
Old law; they’re just enforcing it now.
I would be interested to connect with current owners, if any are on the east side (Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland etc). I am also willing to compensate you for your time if a test drive can be offered.

Thanks in advance !
There was a GT on the Seattle Turo but it has disappeared...