Locking/Unlocking and other stuff


New Member
Apr 15, 2024
Northern CA
Lucid Touring
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I read articles about the Lucid Air years ago and wanted one, but I remembered my pain of owning a first year BMW 7 series with iDrive infotainment system. So, I patiently waited two years for Lucid to work out the bugs and fix build quality issues that they were bound to have. I have now owned my 24 Touring for a month, I refuse to believe that Lucid has not yet fixed most of the issues, all you folks on this forum have been complaining about. Why do we still need to use "Bobby foam" to stop the rattle, deal with navi issues, laggy UI, screens going blank or becoming unresponsive, and most frustrating thing of all. The door locks, after owning a Lucid I realize I took that convenience for granted, for decades my previous cars have locked and unlocked when I needed or wanted it to. And when I try to ask it to do something, because it didn't do it on it's own, my Lucid is always asleep, what's with that? Mine cannot be a 24 Touring, not with you folks mentioning the same issues for the past 2 years, it must be a 22 sold as a 24. But I do love the way it drives!
I read articles about the Lucid Air years ago and wanted one, but I remembered my pain of owning a first year BMW 7 series with iDrive infotainment system. So, I patiently waited two years for Lucid to work out the bugs and fix build quality issues that they were bound to have. I have now owned my 24 Touring for a month, I refuse to believe that Lucid has not yet fixed most of the issues, all you folks on this forum have been complaining about. Why do we still need to use "Bobby foam" to stop the rattle, deal with navi issues, laggy UI, screens going blank or becoming unresponsive, and most frustrating thing of all. The door locks, after owning a Lucid I realize I took that convenience for granted, for decades my previous cars have locked and unlocked when I needed or wanted it to. And when I try to ask it to do something, because it didn't do it on it's own, my Lucid is always asleep, what's with that? Mine cannot be a 24 Touring, not with you folks mentioning the same issues for the past 2 years, it must be a 22 sold as a 24. But I do love the way it drives!
Also, let’s say that all these quirks reminded you of 2022 cars, you know that 2022 tourings.. DONT EVEN EXIST, right? Only GTs/DEs had the chance to be a 22 model year. This conclusion is so inaccurate that it actually hurts my brain. “My tesla still has has bad build quality.. I refuse to believe they haven’t fixed this over this much time. My Cybertruck must be a 2012 model!!!”
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I read articles about the Lucid Air years ago and wanted one, but I remembered my pain of owning a first year BMW 7 series with iDrive infotainment system. So, I patiently waited two years for Lucid to work out the bugs and fix build quality issues that they were bound to have. I have now owned my 24 Touring for a month, I refuse to believe that Lucid has not yet fixed most of the issues, all you folks on this forum have been complaining about. Why do we still need to use "Bobby foam" to stop the rattle, deal with navi issues, laggy UI, screens going blank or becoming unresponsive, and most frustrating thing of all. The door locks, after owning a Lucid I realize I took that convenience for granted, for decades my previous cars have locked and unlocked when I needed or wanted it to. And when I try to ask it to do something, because it didn't do it on it's own, my Lucid is always asleep, what's with that? Mine cannot be a 24 Touring, not with you folks mentioning the same issues for the past 2 years, it must be a 22 sold as a 24. But I do love the way it drives!
I think your Lucid comes with a VIN.

When you look it up, it would tell you what year model it is no matter when it is sold.

Some manufacturer would sell a current year car at the end of the year as next year model but its VIN would tell you so.

I bought my Lucid near Christmas of 2022 and I got model 2022 in all paperworks.
I read articles about the Lucid Air years ago and wanted one, but I remembered my pain of owning a first year BMW 7 series with iDrive infotainment system. So, I patiently waited two years for Lucid to work out the bugs and fix build quality issues that they were bound to have. I have now owned my 24 Touring for a month, I refuse to believe that Lucid has not yet fixed most of the issues, all you folks on this forum have been complaining about. Why do we still need to use "Bobby foam" to stop the rattle, deal with navi issues, laggy UI, screens going blank or becoming unresponsive, and most frustrating thing of all. The door locks, after owning a Lucid I realize I took that convenience for granted, for decades my previous cars have locked and unlocked when I needed or wanted it to. And when I try to ask it to do something, because it didn't do it on it's own, my Lucid is always asleep, what's with that? Mine cannot be a 24 Touring, not with you folks mentioning the same issues for the past 2 years, it must be a 22 sold as a 24. But I do love the way it drives!
It's hard to tell but I think you are trying to be a little bit tongue-in-cheek here and saying that nothing has really changed since 2022, which couldn't be further from the truth. I was recently at the factory and watched the newer vehicles being assembled. Attention to detail is hugely improved over what it was a couple years ago. As far as software goes, the 2024 models share the same architecture as the 2022 so you won't see any difference there.

Lately, I have had zero problems with locking and unlocking. Could you please describe a little more thoroughly what is happening with your vehicle? There are many people on here willing to offer you some help.

I agree with you that the user interface isn't all that it could be. If that's very important to you as a buyer, you might consider vehicles that have a more complete user interface, of course at the expense of the incredible driving experience and range of the Lucid.

I don't know what you mean by "My Lucid is always asleep." Could you describe that further?
I don’t experience the same frustrations and my touring is a Nov 2022 purchase, model year 2023.

The doors have improved significantly using Apple Lucid Mobile Key.

Bobby foam is a simplified do it yourself fix but you can let mobile service know and they can address it.

As far as the navigation, I use CarPlay for nearly all infotainment features. While I agree it’s not effective to us the built in Lucid navigation and can use improvements, that was not the defining feature for purchasing this vehicle.

I purchase it for its drive quality, range, looks, and the OTA ability that separates it from say the BMW as you used in your example. Since I have owned this vehicle, the software has hugely improved via OTA SW updates. Given time, I feel Lucid will address your concerns.

However, all of that said, I understand your thought process in buying 2 years after release.
Thank you Bobby, yes it was my poor attempt at tongue in cheek. I was exhausted coming back from an early airport drop off and just wanted to vent my frustrations. First, I couldn’t unlock my car from inside to let my brother in at his house because the pilot screen had become unresponsive. So, I reached over to manually open the door for him. At the airport, as I was saying goodbye few feet away from the car, it kept locking and unlocking repeatedly. On my way back, the streets were empty and I was really enjoying my drive listening to some Pink Floyd. But couldn’t really turn up the volume past the half point because of the rear shelf rattling. When I got home, I did the Air logo reset like the SA told me to do when the screen became unresponsive last week, so I can unlock from inside and I use a key fob, because became so frustrated with the mobile key. I did update the app, maybe I’ll give that a try again.
Regarding, my car is always sleeping remark, when I try to use the app to turn on the AC
or unlock, I feel like it takes too long for the car to “wake up” I do love my Lucid, in fact my friend just picked up his Lucid this week from my honest opinion. He didn’t know Lucid existed until he saw mine. Now, I get to spend my first 6k referral points, maybe I could order some “Bobby Foam”
Regarding, my car is always sleeping remark, when I try to use the app to turn on the AC
or unlock, I feel like it takes too long for the car to “wake up” I do love my Lucid, in fact my friend just picked up his Lucid this week from my honest opinion. He didn’t know Lucid existed until he saw mine. Now, I get to spend my first 6k referral points, maybe I could order some “Bobby Foam”
I would contact service. You might have a bad CCC module.
I read articles about the Lucid Air years ago and wanted one, but I remembered my pain of owning a first year BMW 7 series with iDrive infotainment system. So, I patiently waited two years for Lucid to work out the bugs and fix build quality issues that they were bound to have. I have now owned my 24 Touring for a month, I refuse to believe that Lucid has not yet fixed most of the issues, all you folks on this forum have been complaining about. Why do we still need to use "Bobby foam" to stop the rattle, deal with navi issues, laggy UI, screens going blank or becoming unresponsive, and most frustrating thing of all. The door locks, after owning a Lucid I realize I took that convenience for granted, for decades my previous cars have locked and unlocked when I needed or wanted it to. And when I try to ask it to do something, because it didn't do it on it's own, my Lucid is always asleep, what's with that? Mine cannot be a 24 Touring, not with you folks mentioning the same issues for the past 2 years, it must be a 22 sold as a 24. But I do love the way it drives!
You are so right , I also just got a 24 because I wanted to wait and now have the same issues I’ve heard about . Going to give them the 3 chances to fix it . You’d think they’d want to get it fixed before too many unhappy customers but I guess they’re following teslas model
Lately, I have had zero problems with locking and unlocking.

The door situation has improved in our Lucid but is still problematic at times.

"The Smoking Tire" released a video today of a 1,000-mile round trip to Sonoma Raceway with a Sapphire. Unfortunately, they found the door locking problem to have carried over to the Sapphire from earlier Airs they tested. It's such a shame that, almost three years after hitting the market, the issue is still cropping up in new video reviews of this very fine car. It just seems like a never-ending unforced error on Lucid's part.

The door locking discussion begins at 5:12:

You are so right , I also just got a 24 because I wanted to wait and now have the same issues I’ve heard about . Going to give them the 3 chances to fix it . You’d think they’d want to get it fixed before too many unhappy customers but I guess they’re following teslas model
The door unlocking issue will always be an issue in this car unless you see a different fob introduced that would indicate hardware in the car to be different. It’s a fundamental flaw in both design and hardware. People hold their breath hoping each update fixes it. It won’t. Either deal with it or move on to another car. That’s just the unfortunate reality.
The door unlocking issue will always be an issue in this car unless you see a different fob introduced that would indicate hardware in the car to be different. It’s a fundamental flaw in both design and hardware. People hold their breath hoping each update fixes it. It won’t. Either deal with it or move on to another car. That’s just the unfortunate reality.
I wouldn't hold my breath for a different fob for the Air anytime soon, and it isn't because Lucid doesn't care. They hate it too; they drive these cars too.

I can't explain why, but there are reasons for it, and the fob is definitely a "learn to live with it" item for the near future. I don't find it that big of a deal, but I also almost exclusively use the mobile key, which is probably why I don't have an issue with it.
I can’t be the only one with no fob lock/unlock issues. I refuse to believe this. I almost feel guilty when saying this, but at worst, on rare occasions, I may have to wait 2 seconds for the doors to unlock. FWIW I never use the mobile key.
And this thread illustrates why I think there really is a software problem with lock/unlock. About half the comments say the fob works, but mobile key is unreliable. And the other half say the opposite. If it really was a hardware problem, wouldn't this be more consistent?

For myself, I carry the fob, and it nearly always works, but occasionally (10% of the time) leaves me waiting long enough (30 seconds?) that I pull the fob out of my pocket and press the button to unlock. Every few months when someone here says the mobile key works perfectly, I try using that again on my iPhone, and find that it only unlocks promptly about 50% of the time.
And this thread illustrates why I think there really is a software problem with lock/unlock. About half the comments say the fob works, but mobile key is unreliable. And the other half say the opposite. If it really was a hardware problem, wouldn't this be more consistent?

For myself, I carry the fob, and it nearly always works, but occasionally (10% of the time) leaves me waiting long enough (30 seconds?) that I pull the fob out of my pocket and press the button to unlock. Every few months when someone here says the mobile key works perfectly, I try using that again on my iPhone, and find that it only unlocks promptly about 50% of the time.
Hardware problems are not more consistent, especially where radios are involved, extra-especially where those radios are running on crappy batteries (the fobs). Remember the days when radio or TV reception depended on the kids holding the antenna and doing a rain dance with their tongue sticking out? Way too many things impact RF functionality in unexpected ways. The weather, the materials around you, the angle of your fob/phone relative to the car. Then there are power constraints on top of that, which lead to software using things like inertial sensing and slow timers in the fob and phone to decide when to wake up and try doing something. Then for the mobile key there's also the iOS or Android getting involved, either trying to prevent the Lucid app from using too much battery, or just not responding consistently to the app's requests to wake up. Then there's the car doing some of the same things trying to save 12V battery life. It's a mess. That's not to say it couldn't be much better, but a significant part of the problem, especially for the fob, definitely is hardware.
Hardware problems are not more consistent, especially where radios are involved, extra-especially where those radios are running on crappy batteries (the fobs). Remember the days when radio or TV reception depended on the kids holding the antenna and doing a rain dance with their tongue sticking out? Way too many things impact RF functionality in unexpected ways. The weather, the materials around you, the angle of your fob/phone relative to the car. Then there are power constraints on top of that, which lead to software using things like inertial sensing and slow timers in the fob and phone to decide when to wake up and try doing something. Then for the mobile key there's also the iOS or Android getting involved, either trying to prevent the Lucid app from using too much battery, or just not responding consistently to the app's requests to wake up. Then there's the car doing some of the same things trying to save 12V battery life. It's a mess. That's not to say it couldn't be much better, but a significant part of the problem, especially for the fob, definitely is hardware.
this is so accurate I could cry