I'm planning a solo trip, leaving home Tuesday morning and driving all the way to Pueblo (750mi) in one day, driving the last few miles into Colorado Springs the next morning to spend the day with family, return to Pueblo at night, and return all the way home the next day. Plan is to drive up through Payson up to Holbrook, then take I-40 to Albuquerque and then north from there through Santa Fe. This will be my first EV road trip where I'll have to charge along the way, and even though ABRP has only scheduled three stops for me, I'm probably going to aim for more, shorter stops, because I'm paranoid. Hopefully EA the whole way. Any advice from anyone familiar with the route, and the charging stops along the way? (Being originally from Chicago, I know to be prepared for the weather, no matter what type of vehicle.)
Really looking forward to telling you about it when it's done
Really looking forward to telling you about it when it's done