HOT CCS cable handle


Verified Owner
Jul 1, 2024
2024 Lucid Air Pure
A couple of hours ago, I charged with EA CCS 350kW for the first time and I had the charging limit set to 80%. I noticed that it went from about 150kW to 102kW by the time the charge limit was reached. When I unplugged the connector, the handle was really hot and would have dropped it had I not immediately held the cable part. Are these normal when charging with EA CCS? I’ve been charging at home with the 40A that came with the car, so this was the first time for me using EA. Thanks!
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Normal. That sounds like a typical charging curve at the end as well. Hard to be 100% sure of the number, but it is within the ballpark.
Normal. I burnt my hand on one to a point it left a blister. Was a result of the cable/handle being out in 105 degree heat with no protection. No wonder the machines break all the time being put in those elements.