Heater won’t come on


Active Member
Verified Owner
Jun 20, 2022
Reaction score
Air GT
Has anybody else had the heater not come on? It’s 34 degrees out and the I enabled the preheat 10 mins before going out to the car. It wasn’t warm when I got there and it was spitting out cold air. I tried cranking up the target temp and disabling the A/C with no luck. I guess I’ll try tomorrow to see if it’s a hardware or software problem.
Has anybody else had the heater not come on? It’s 34 degrees out and the I enabled the preheat 10 mins before going out to the car. It wasn’t warm when I got there and it was spitting out cold air. I tried cranking up the target temp and disabling the A/C with no luck. I guess I’ll try tomorrow to see if it’s a hardware or software problem.
Hi, @Shuasha.

Thanks for sharing. I just sent you a DM.

So this wasn't a software issue, they're replacing the high voltage heater unit. Hadn't heard of one of those going bad before, weird. Hopefully they can do it under the car without needing to take the dash apart.
So this wasn't a software issue, they're replacing the high voltage heater unit. Hadn't heard of one of those going bad before, weird. Hopefully they can do it under the car without needing to take the dash apart.
I'm glad your are on track for resolution! I hope they get it fixed quickly. Thank you for sharing your experience here.