Goose It


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Aug 5, 2022
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Air Touring
So I’m driving on the highway running about 75. A large Audi sedan, maybe an A8/S8 comes up to me tailgating tightly. After a minute, I said, screw it, and decide to show ‘em what I got. I go to Swift mode and I touched the go pedal. I shot to 100 mph in about 1 second and left my new friend in the proverbial dust. It is great to flex the muscles every so often. 5 min later we both ended up in the same grocery store parking lot. He ignored me and was not friendly. Oh well.
So I’m driving on the highway running about 75. A large Audi sedan, maybe an A8/S8 comes up to me tailgating tightly. After a minute, I said, screw it, and decide to show ‘em what I got. I go to Swift mode and I touched the go pedal. I shot to 100 mph in about 1 second and left my new friend in the proverbial dust. It is great to flex the muscles every so often. 5 min later we both ended up in the same grocery store parking lot. He ignored me and was not friendly. Oh well.
Been there, done that!
So I’m driving on the highway running about 75. A large Audi sedan, maybe an A8/S8 comes up to me tailgating tightly. After a minute, I said, screw it, and decide to show ‘em what I got. I go to Swift mode and I touched the go pedal. I shot to 100 mph in about 1 second and left my new friend in the proverbial dust. It is great to flex the muscles every so often. 5 min later we both ended up in the same grocery store parking lot. He ignored me and was not friendly. Oh well.
Sayonara Mofo, and then he has the little manhood going ignoring you 🤣
So I’m driving on the highway running about 75. A large Audi sedan, maybe an A8/S8 comes up to me tailgating tightly. After a minute, I said, screw it, and decide to show ‘em what I got. I go to Swift mode and I touched the go pedal. I shot to 100 mph in about 1 second and left my new friend in the proverbial dust. It is great to flex the muscles every so often. 5 min later we both ended up in the same grocery store parking lot. He ignored me and was not friendly. Oh well.
I did that and ended up with Turtle Mode 🔥🔥🔥
Not that I would ever do anything so reckless as that (with a challenger revving next to me at 75 and 3 passengers in my car), but sprint isn't really necessary ;)
People become less aggressive in the face of overwhelmingly superior performance. Of course, I've also seen twice now two different individuals nearly wreck in an attempt to "show up" with no antagonizing on my part.
So I’m driving on the highway running about 75. A large Audi sedan, maybe an A8/S8 comes up to me tailgating tightly. After a minute, I said, screw it, and decide to show ‘em what I got. I go to Swift mode and I touched the go pedal. I shot to 100 mph in about 1 second and left my new friend in the proverbial dust. It is great to flex the muscles every so often. 5 min later we both ended up in the same grocery store parking lot. He ignored me and was not friendly. Oh well.
Only 100mph? 🤣
Yeah this is car is so capable it’s hard to resist the temptation to prove that 60-120 time is pretty close to the 0-60 time, particularly if there are witnesses. My other technique in those aggressive tailgater situations is to put on my blinker but then take a realllllly long time to move out of their way into the adjacent lane.
I think the word's getting out about what some EVs can do. When I got my first Tesla (a 2015 Model S P90D), coal rolling EVs by pickup trucks was still a thing in south Florida. I used to stay behind them until the road ahead was clear and then blast past them like they were standing still. There were some days I almost hoped someone would try to coal roll me, but it didn't take long for those yahoos to learn what some EVs could do. I haven't seen coal rolling down here in a few years now -- but I am seeing an absolute explosion of EVs, most of them Teslas (and white ones, at that).

I even see in other ways the knowledge spreading what EVs can do. On the way home, the last 12 miles is a stretch of flat, straight, open six-lane highway that has a good many traffic lights on it. I often see someone in a "fast" ICE car tailgating, weaving through traffic (usually without lane change signals), and blasting away from other traffic in open spaces. I just continue driving with traffic. But then they'll get caught at a red light, and I'll pull up alongside them. I'll see them eyeing my car, and then when the light turns green they'll roll gently off like pussycats. If we're at the head of the line and the other driver does try to blast away, he discovers reason to rethink it and generally gives up the attempt and hangs back with the rest of traffic, at least until I'm out of sight. I view this as part of my duty to be an ambassador for EV's. :cool:

It's been a while since anyone called our EVs a golf cart.
Only 100mph? 🤣
Yeah this is car is so capable it’s hard to resist the temptation to prove that 60-120 time is pretty close to the 0-60 time, particularly if there are witnesses. My other technique in those aggressive tailgater situations is to put on my blinker but then take a realllllly long time to move out of their way into the adjacent lane.
For some reason I get aggressive truck tailgaters from time to time. If they are dickish enough sometimes I’ll slow down and box them in for a while and then randomly give it the full beans when they get a lane open to pass. Total dick move back on my part, but it’s too much fun to pass up.
I resemble that remark. They started it haha.
For some reason I get aggressive truck tailgaters from time to time. If they are dickish enough sometimes I’ll slow down and box them in for a while and then randomly give it the full beans when they get a lane open to pass. Total dick move back on my part, but it’s too much fun to pass up.
Both in AZ and in WA where we hang, you need to be careful. You might get shot.
Funny reading this thread, I can relate to this couple days ago. On regular street, I was at red light in middle lane got sandwiched between a left side Honda Civic with amplified exhaust whistle and out of proportion spoiler, and right side Dodge Charger. Both were looking my way and “vroom… vroom” on red light.

So I clicked Sprint mode, and warned my wife on passenger seat, then proceeded to blast them away in my rear view mirror as soon as light turn green. As I turn corner to next street, my wife pinched hard on my arm, “Why so immature?! You tried to give me a whiplash?” “It’s good to have option to get away from noise” I defended.
Funny reading this thread, I can relate to this couple days ago. On regular street, I was at red light in middle lane got sandwiched between a left side Honda Civic with amplified exhaust whistle and out of proportion spoiler, and right side Dodge Charger. Both were looking my way and “vroom… vroom” on red light.

So I clicked Sprint mode, and warned my wife on passenger seat, then proceeded to blast them away in my rear view mirror as soon as light turn green. As I turn corner to next street, my wife pinched hard on my arm, “Why so immature?! You tried to give me a whiplash?” “It’s good to have option to get away from noise” I defended.
Being a woman driving the car, I've never been "challenged" like that. Guys just seem to respond that way only to other guys. But, I've had that discussion with my husband before, when I was the passenger and we had an all out race with some SUV for a few miles down a street. I was not happy.
Being a woman driving the car, I've never been "challenged" like that. Guys just seem to respond that way only to other guys. But, I've had that discussion with my husband before, when I was the passenger and we had an all out race with some SUV for a few miles down a street. I was not happy.
When I was driving an ICE vehicle, I liked to vroom also as if I were going to race but then crawl away while the idiots raced on. I know it is fun but not on a public street.
Being a woman driving the car, I've never been "challenged" like that. Guys just seem to respond that way only to other guys. But, I've had that discussion with my husband before, when I was the passenger and we had an all out race with some SUV for a few miles down a street. I was not happy.

In the early days of Tesla, I had people "challenge" me like that, but it didn't take long for them to realize that it was pointless. I have nothing to prove. By pointless, I mean that it got around that a Tesla will always beat them, not that I showed them that it was pointless.

My wife's not the type to floor it to see what the car could do, but she did decide to try it once. She got a ticket.
One of my coworkers called it a golf cart, and I said “correction: an 816hp golf cart”.
That’s why I got my license plate …😎