I, too, would jump on an extended warranty in a trice were it to be offered. But I'm not too nervous about driving our Air beyond the 4-year mark without one.
Besides the fact that the battery and powertrain are covered for eight years, many of the warranty issues we had with our early-production Air were caused by things such as trim adhesives, assembly slip-ups, supplier quality issues, or engineering missteps. On all but one occasion, the replacement part had already had the problem corrected, and on that one occasion the root problem had been addressed by the time the second replacement part was installed.
So my guess is that most of the issues with the car other than what will arise from normal wear and tear have by now surfaced and been corrected. So I'm not really expecting to see as much repair work in the next 2-4 years as I did in the first 3.
I also think that many of the lessons learned from early failures will carry over into the Gravity and subsequent products as the brand matures in reliability.
All that said, I would instantly lay down the same $3-5,000 dollars for an extended Lucid manufacturer warranty that I have invariably bought for our German cars and our Hondas when offered . . . at least as long as they were transferrable to a subsequent buyer.