Elon Musk Biography


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Aug 5, 2022
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Air Touring
Just finished the new Elon Musk biography. Fascinating read. I knew the guy was unusual but I did not realize just how weirdly maniacal he is. Some of his decision-making is so risky and reckless I’m surprised there haven’t been more disasters. Still, I am fascinated by his “mission” orientation to everything he does, e.g., clean energy, colonizing planets, saving humanity from AI, etc. etc. Peter R. gets a one sentence mention.
Just finished the new Elon Musk biography. Fascinating read. I knew the guy was unusual but I did not realize just how weirdly maniacal he is. Some of his decision-making is so risky and reckless I’m surprised there haven’t been more disasters. Still, I am fascinated by his “mission” orientation to everything he does, e.g., clean energy, colonizing planets, saving humanity from AI, etc. etc. Peter R. gets a one sentence mention.
I would suggest you read Steve Jobs Auto as well if you haven’t. Elon Musk read his and took quite a few pointers. You will see how Musk copied Job’s approach. “ Reality Distortion Field “

Only issue with Musk is he butts into other peoples business.