Charging etiquette , the EV community and jackasses


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Dec 23, 2021
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2018 velar 2002 bmw z8
So yesterday I stopped by Woodbury commons( a huge shopping outlet center 10 miles from my house) as it was a nice day to shop and we were also traveling a distance the next day. EA has a brand new 4 kiosk install there so no breakdowns yet. As I pull up All four spots were full with one waiter with a E mustang. Immediately an ionic pulls up and asks me to move forward as I was sitting out in the road. He then backs in next to the last kiosk where there was just enough space between the last charger and the last car to grab a cable and plugs in. To my surprise he starts charging ( wait wut? You can use both cables??) turns out the last two cars are an e mustang and an e jeep which are not even plugged in, they are just using the space since they are EVs. I kinda give the ionic driver kudos for being creative even though he jumped the line but I had no way of knowing that two members of the EV community would be such inconsiderate jackasses as I hadn’t even got out of the car yet to see state of charge of everybody. So my investigation reveals two jerks with EVs not charging and a third mouth breather with a e Volkswagen who was deep into idle fees. The forth space was a Hummer ( you know the one with a battery and he size of a refrigerator) and the couple there said those other 3 cars had been there the entire time. Just then a Mercedes Electric SUV pulls up. The guy is pissed as he has to drive to Canada and this cluster fark is happening. He backs up over the curb and sidewalk behind the chargers and grabs the second cable on the car with the idle fees and of course that doesn’t work. I suggest we try to disengage the first cable and that does work! He can now charge. We then direct the lady in the Emustang to do the same with the other idiot who was just parked and she starts to charge ( my Lucid with no air suspension would have never jumped that curb plus she was next anyways). I called security to see if we could get the two cars towed or ticketed but the security guy said Woodbury commons had no policy regarding this even though there were big signs posted “ spaces for EV charging only”
The couple in the Hummer graciously left with a 65 percent charge to allow me in and I left a pointed note on the two Parker’s windshields. I mean I have seen ICE cars do this to EV chargers but this is only the second time I’ve seen another EV deliberately block their own community. Since there was no consequences like a ticket or tow why not? I half considered letting air out of a few tires as teaching moment but decided not to. Ok rant off. Thoughts?
The Woodbury Commons charging station has always had these type of problems. It is the only station I've been to that vehicles regularly rack up idle fees. It also seems to have a higher percent of vehicles charging to 100%. I've also seen Teslas charging here, while there are cars waiting and the adjacent Supercharger has open spaces.
Not that it would have solved your problem, but you should have parked behind them blocking them from leaving when they returned to their cars. Assholes
Escalating is not the answer. Assholes will be assumes. Plus its an indoor parking garage so you would be blocking the cars park across from the chargers from leaving.

If heading north I'd go the Newburgh EA (15 miles) or just wait it out if heading South (fewer chargers).
The Phoenix Zoo has a bunch of chargers in covered parking. Most folks parking there are EV drivers charging but I have seen several ICE cars park in there as well. Usually a pony type car. Probably the same Aholes who park in handicapped spaces (I always thought it would be nice if someone made them handicapped and, no, I don't have a handicapped placard nor use one).

My first thought was the ICE drivers are worse Aholes but upon further consideration I would put the EV drivers who park there but don't charge as even bigger Aholes because they know better.
The Phoenix Zoo has a bunch of chargers in covered parking. Most folks parking there are EV drivers charging but I have seen several ICE cars park in there as well. Usually a pony type car. Probably the same Aholes who park in handicapped spaces (I always thought it would be nice if someone made them handicapped and, no, I don't have a handicapped placard nor use one).

My first thought was the ICE drivers are worse Aholes but upon further consideration I would put the EV drivers who park there but don't charge as even bigger Aholes because they know better.
In florida there has been statewide regs regarding EV charging spots. non charging vehicles can be ticketed and towed. similar to the HC spots.

people in locales without such regs need to contact their elected officials so that similar laws can be put in place.
I would put the EV drivers who park there but don't charge as even bigger Aholes because they know better.
Agree. Just day before yesterday I had to face this. An EA station right in front of an LA Fitness. This guy decided to park his Tesla in one of the EA spots while hitting the gym. That was the only available charger and the only spot I could charge my Lucid. I had to wait for another spot to be free. I had a word with him when he came out. I explained to him what he did and how I had to wait. Each station had two spots to pull charger from either side. It seems he parked there assuming that the vehicle on the other spot is using the charger. But, the other car was pulling from an adjacent station. I explained to him that different vehicles have different locations for charging. EA should implement some ways to deter these folks from blocking chargers.
It's been said before but I'll bring it up again. EA needs to put more thought to its layout of charging stations and parking spaces. As stations become utilized, tempers will flare as the "line" for people waiting is often not recognized or ignored.
Agree. Just day before yesterday I had to face this. An EA station right in front of an LA Fitness. This guy decided to park his Tesla in one of the EA spots while hitting the gym. That was the only available charger and the only spot I could charge my Lucid. I had to wait for another spot to be free. I had a word with him when he came out. I explained to him what he did and how I had to wait. Each station had two spots to pull charger from either side. It seems he parked there assuming that the vehicle on the other spot is using the charger. But, the other car was pulling from an adjacent station. I explained to him that different vehicles have different locations for charging. EA should implement some ways to deter these folks from blocking chargers.
Once EA can figure out how to deter a holes from being a holes they won't need a charging network to make money.