RESOLVED Car Starts Charging Immediately Even Though Scheduled


New Member
Nov 17, 2023
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2023 Air GT
Arrive at home in the evening, set charging to start at 12:15am, open charge port, exit car, plug in provided Lucid 220 charger 50 AMPS, car starts charging immediately. Tell the car to stop charging, it starts right back up again shortly thereafter. I used to have a 3rd party charger and it worked fine. Just moved and am using what was provided with the car, Anything I am missing to get the car to charge at the correct scheduled time?

Thanks, Jason
I have had the same issue for the past 22 months. It just doesn't follow the schedule. Charging will commence as soon as connection is made and also if I open the app while car is connected. I too have a a Lucid charger. Car went to service center to address the issue, yet it persists. Mobile tech coming later this week to try to remedy it (again).
Not sure if it's still an issue, but don't open the phone app before charging is supposed to start.
Arrive at home in the evening, set charging to start at 12:15am, open charge port, exit car, plug in provided Lucid 220 charger 50 AMPS, car starts charging immediately. Tell the car to stop charging, it starts right back up again shortly thereafter. I used to have a 3rd party charger and it worked fine. Just moved and am using what was provided with the car, Anything I am missing to get the car to charge at the correct scheduled time?

Thanks, Jason
You said that you moved. Scheduled charging is geo-fenced. Did you set it for your new location?
On the Pilot Panel click on “Schedule Charging”. That will take you to another screen where you must geolocate your car.
Scheduled Charging should now work. Without correct geolocation charging will immediately start.
On the Pilot Panel click on “Schedule Charging”. That will take you to another screen where you must geolocate your car.
Scheduled Charging should now work. Without correct geolocation charging will immediately start.
I think that you’re onto something.

Not sure if this is the problem, but driveway is 900’ long so the car doesn’t “know” that it’s home.

Previous tech support advisor changed the home location from my street address number to a neighbor’s address number that was close to the garage, but that didn’t fix the issue so it remains unresolved.
That did the trick! Had to reset the geolocation. Many many thanks!!!
Not sure if this is the problem, but driveway is 900’ long so the car doesn’t “know” that it’s home.

Previous tech support advisor changed the home location from my street address number to a neighbor’s address number that was close to the garage, but that didn’t fix the issue so it remains unresolved.
I, too, deal with this issue on a regular basis. My house address appears correctly and fairly quickly when selecting the Scheduled Charging location. However, another house I often charge at is in a rural environment and the car is not located anywhere near the mailbox/entrance. The address menu for this location is very slow and brings up an erroneous address every time. But what am I going to do? Type in the correct one? The system obviously thinks my car is at 183 when it's on a plot of land that belongs to 210. So I intentionally select the wrong address to play along, plug in the car, and see "Charging Scheduled" on the driver's display. Three minutes later, the car begins charging a few hours prior to the schedule. Did the GPS correct itself while the car was parked and produce a discrepancy with the geofence? And because the addresses no longer matched, it ignored the schedule?

This whole problem shouldn't exist in the first place. Give us a damn override that throws out the geofencing restriction and let us charge the car on a schedule while we're parked on the moon. Or at the very least, allow owners to store multiple addresses in the geofence book and we can just put 45 of them in there so surely one of them will match where the car thinks its located.
Mobile tech arrived today to try to remedy scheduled charging not following charging schedule but wasn't able to resolve it.

The thinking is it will be addressed in a future OTA update.
I had the exact same problem. CC didn't have an answer, but I stumbled upon the geolocation requirement in the pilot panel and all is well.
The car already had my home address loaded into the charge location screen. But if it knows that I'm home why do I still have to tell it to charge there?

BTW, if inthewoods mobile tech couldn't figure it out, that tells me that this is an obscure function that could have been implemented better.

I still love my car!
I have a similar issue. It just happened. I out the charger in, and it says it's scheduled. Then I go in the house. 30 minutes later I g we t a m3ssage that charging has started.