App Version 1.40.0


Referral Code - MX1KDTYY
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Supporting Member
May 1, 2022
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San Francisco, CA
Air Touring
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Bug fixes and enhancements. As usual.
This is one area that Lucid justifiably deserves criticism. The release notes for Lucid software changes are just plain unacceptable and frankly embarrassing.

Compare Lucid's notes to Rivian.

Or Tesla:

Lucid makes a great car, but their customer communications sucks. I am an owner, and I tell any prospective owner that Lucid customer communication is unacceptably poor.

This has been going on for so long that I doubt it changes unless we see some executive changes at Lucid.
This is one area that Lucid justifiably deserves criticism. The release notes for Lucid software changes are just plain unacceptable and frankly embarrassing.

Compare Lucid's notes to Rivian.

Or Tesla:

Lucid makes a great car, but their customer communications sucks. I am an owner, and I tell any prospective owner that Lucid customer communication is unacceptably poor.

This has been going on for so long that I doubt it changes unless we see some executive changes at Lucid.
Their support and service is great! Patch notes... Suck
Whenever I look at release notes for app updates through the Google Play store, I'd say 90+% of the time, they say the same thing as Lucid does - big fixes and enhancements. Is it annoying? Yeah. Does it really bother me that much? No, not really. Would I like Lucid to say more with regards to the car OTAs? Yes, definitely. The app updates I don't care much about, unless they're adding any new features, and I'd assume Lucid would actually tell us more in those cases.
We have this debate literally every time there is an update. It’s a cultural thing. I hope it changes, but I doubt it will. It is what it is.
This is one area that Lucid justifiably deserves criticism. The release notes for Lucid software changes are just plain unacceptable and frankly embarrassing.

Compare Lucid's notes to Rivian.

Or Tesla:

Lucid makes a great car, but their customer communications sucks. I am an owner, and I tell any prospective owner that Lucid customer communication is unacceptably poor.

This has been going on for so long that I doubt it changes unless we see some executive changes at Lucid.
So I’m guessing it’s better to say, “resolved buffer over flow issues causing memory leak” or “corrected clock issues between GPU and FPGA”?

Robustness is not glamorous and those improvements aren’t always well understood.

Now saying I would prefer they tell us the section of software the update happened in the release or release a feature with the robustness in the background to make me excited is good. Because that is what Rivian and Tesla are doing with their releases. They just aren’t telling us about the robustness updates and instead covering them with features or updates that are understood by the public.

My thoughts are it’s not a communication issue as much as a personal desire for improvement in the descriptions of the release. But hey, that’s just me.
We have this debate literally every time there is an update. It’s a cultural thing. I hope it changes, but I doubt it will. It is what it is.
There’s some product/release/manager person who just doesn’t care. That’s really all there is to it. It’s likely a single individual per deployment platform.

I’ve work out countless places where I’ve personally had to push hard to get some proper release notes for users. When I left, it went right back to nothing of value.

It’s culture cause by some crappy people with the wrong attitude in a very specific position.
Is this just an update for Android phones? I don't see any update on the Apple IOS?
Is this just an update for Android phones? I don't see any update on the Apple IOS?
It’s on both. Refresh your updates screen by pulling down and releasing.