2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.4 OTA

If you haven't yet received the update, thanks again for your patience. We've integrated learnings from the initial deployment phase of Lucid UX 2.4 into a revised release. A full rollout to all vehicles across the U.S. is now expected by Thursday evening.
If you haven't yet received the update, thanks again for your patience. We've integrated learnings from the initial deployment phase of Lucid UX 2.4 into a revised release. A full rollout to all vehicles across the U.S. is now expected by Thursday evening.
Thank you so much for the update. Hearing it from the horse’s mouth is so much better than all of the speculation that goes on.
If you haven't yet received the update, thanks again for your patience. We've integrated learnings from the initial deployment phase of Lucid UX 2.4 into a revised release. A full rollout to all vehicles across the U.S. is now expected by Thursday evening.
Fantastic to see you here on the forums and thanks for the feedback! These comms are huge for us all...
Just installed 2.4.4 and immediately got a warning when backing out of the car "Rear Emergency Braking Unavailable". Tried the logo reset and still the same. Messaged support and was told to try logo reset again, then no more response. Anyone else got this issue? Do I need to take the car to service center for this?
Great update! I like the visuals with the 3 lanes showing differences between trucks, sedans, and motorcycles. This gives me confidence and affirmation that the car sees what I see.

One suggestion for a future improvement I believe would be helpful is the 3 graphic lanes curve as the road curves. Adds even more confidence for the driver that the car “sees” what the driver sees.
If you haven't yet received the update, thanks again for your patience. We've integrated learnings from the initial deployment phase of Lucid UX 2.4 into a revised release. A full rollout to all vehicles across the U.S. is now expected by Thursday evening.
waiting for your post on Android Auto thread..
LOVE THE UPDATE! 2023 AT picked up in Dec 2022. I'm in Maryland. 3 lane visualization is AWESOME. Lane changing is AWESOME. Traffic assist (starting after a stop without intervention) is AWESOME. Doors opening quickly is AWESOME. Homelink button is AWESOME. No problems so far - cameras work, Carplay works, launch mode works :). Haven't tried Lucid Assist.

Only one negative. Saw the update notification over lunch today while at work (30 minutes from home). Too impatient so I started the update. Was sweating a little that it would finish by the time I needed to leave but after 2hr 15 min, I was gifted a NEW CAR!

THANK YOU LUCID! Best update ever!
My '23 AT got the 2.4.4 update this morning. I took it on a little drive and when I got home, I thought I would test "Hey Lucid". I asked HL to "open the frunk", and I got a couple of I don't understand, and one "Open the Frank" but never got HL to open the frunk. I guess HL's vocabulary will get updates in the future.
I received 2.4.4 this morning and got another update right after 2.4.4 updated 🤣
Adding another data point to this thread: '22 GTP here (with DD Pro), got the update notification this morning at precisely 7:00 AM Pacific time and it took just under 2 hours to install. No problems whatsoever....all my personal settings remained untouched, Homelink worked right away including the awesome new button to activate it while still in reverse. No issues with camera error messages or anything else. Highway Assist and new visualization was flawless and in fact the calibration seemed instantaneous....mine just started working right away. Lane change assist is also spot-on to me, it changes lanes quickly which is very natural to the way I drive. So big kudos to the Lucid team for delivering an amazing update!!
Do you mean you need to reconnect CarPlay or it’s completely removed as an option?
Carplay simply disappeared from my wife's profile. She needed to un-Ppair her phone and re-pair her phone for Carplay to come back. It could have been a fluke and unrelated to 2.4.4 update.
Feedbacks on 2.4.4. Cameras work fine without any issues. homelink button is a much welcome feature. Prior to Homelink button, it was much quicker for me to have Siri close my garage door than clicking on several icons on the screen just to close the garage. As for DDPro features, I'll give them a try this weekend.
Respectfully disagree. I think the postings are actually helping us figure out Lucid's rollout schedule, which we've been trying to unravel for a while. For instance, by way of this thread we know it first went to AGTs followed by 2023 ATs and now appears to be filtering to 2024 ATs.
There is no rollout schedule. We've been here for years, trust us. It's quite random.
If you haven't yet received the update, thanks again for your patience. We've integrated learnings from the initial deployment phase of Lucid UX 2.4 into a revised release. A full rollout to all vehicles across the U.S. is now expected by Thursday evening.
Does this include Canadian owners?
Carplay simply disappeared from my wife's profile. She needed to un-Ppair her phone and re-pair her phone for Carplay to come back. It could have been a fluke and unrelated to 2.4.4 update.
Did she by chance upgrade phones recently, as a lot of people did?
So, updated this afternoon. My initial take is that there really isn’t much to say about it when you don’t have DDP. Most of the features are pretty redundant to the typical driver without it.

If you haven't yet received the update, thanks again for your patience. We've integrated learnings from the initial deployment phase of Lucid UX 2.4 into a revised release. A full rollout to all vehicles across the U.S. is now expected by Thursday evening.
Thank you for the update. I was beginning to think that I was the owner of an orphan Air Touring.
It's really interesting that it appears they are not rolling this out to Pure models...I wonder why that would be
I assume DD Pro would be first in line, since all improvements applicable to that equipment.

So I get dibs on 2.4.72…
2023 AT DDP - updated to 2.4.4 yesterday evening without issues - sat in the car for a while to check things out after the update. Immediately noticed quick unlocking of doors on approach which has been a recurrent but inconsistent issue up until now (with minor delays of a few seconds at times). Homelink upgrade also works without issue. Took the car to work this morning and everything worked fine.

1. When I got done at work this evening, I noticed that mirrors were NOT folded in, but as I approached, the car would not open up either... stood there for almost 5 minutes before car woke up. Closed down and restarted the app multiple times and reset iphone as well. Same thing when I got home - the app either doesnt connect or takes forever to connect to the car. "No internet connection" error. The car does not open or close down, this worked more or less flawlessly before upgrade - any suggestions?? I am now back to carryng the key around because I do not trust my phone to be recognized. I have done 2 hard resets (Air logo and brake+mic+X) and deleted and reconnected iphone (iOS 18) twice without improvement?!
2. I have noticed a constant, low volume static noise in the car, can not identify where exactly it is coming from but suspect it is related to the iphone - it briefly went away during iphone reset.
Has anyone else noticed this?
3. Everytime I start the car I have to type in my PIN - not sure why?! Have not been able to find a setting to make that go away - any suggestions are welcome.
Many thanks for your advice.

P.S. wholehartedly agree w/ stopping the "update success" and "still waiting" posts - it has become very cumbersome to find useful info in this 52 page thread ...
2023 AT DDP, SSP: I received 2.4.4 update this morning and I made 60 miles test at I- 680, I-280 and I-880 highways tonight. Here is my feedback.

Overall it is a great feature with some little issues

1) Lane change assist works perfect after doing calibration. However cockpit panel showed only one side of the car as dashed line other side solid line. This didnt happen all the time, it was happening in some sections of the highway and mostly when i was turning curves at the highway

2) I tried Lucid Assistant and overall it understands my command. I tested to change set speed during highway assistant , unfortunately it did not let me do it ( seems like not implemented yet). setting up navigation worked fine. When I wanted to call a friend which doesnt sound an english name, Lucid asistant couldnt find the name from the phone contact list.

3) When lane assistant is active, if the side cars are going too close to dashed lane( lets say its at my right lane) , my car tend to go closer to the left side of my current lane, but sometimes it crossed left solid lane when doing that. Luckily i was testing this at night and there were less cars. But its good to watch this out in dense traffic

4) Speed reduction at the curves works perfect.

5) After coming home and parked my car in the garage, i had problem locking my car. My application went offline and it did not allow me to send any commands to the car. As seen in the picture when i started test, car had 75% battery, I turned back home with 55% battery but app still shows old battery percentage and in driving mode.


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