
  1. S

    Initial lease payment with zero down

    Hi, I got really excited after the wealth of information in this forum and reserved my Lucid last week. I just got the numbers from Lucid financing and they quoted ~$4200 + first month payment for the initial payment with 0 down. This is for a 18 month lease in CA for Lucid Air GT 19" wheels...
  2. tuccur

    Will the Dream edition value?

    Just curious to see what people think the value of a Dream Edition Performance will do over the next 5-10 years? The car is apparently worth more than I paid for it now (as evidenced by classifieds), but how much do you think they will fetch (perhaps at auction) in 5, 10, or 20 years?
  3. Yugi

    Options pricing available on website now

    FYI, lucid updated pricing on website configurator.