mobile key

  1. Cuestix

    iOS app 2.1.2 (3384) with OTA 2.6.0 issue

    My AT and phone updated over the weekend and I’m having an odd connection issue (continuing after resets). The mobile app and car work perfectly when I’m out in the wild and connected to LTE and Bluetooth. They do not talk to each other at the house when I’m on WiFi. Basically, the phone app...
  2. OCDC

    Possible iOS Mobile Key work-around

    I may have stumbled onto a way to make the Mobile Key work more reliably. If you wave/place your iOS device near the RFID area on the drivers side B-pillar, it will wake the phone enough to start the handshake for the mobile key. It's not communicating via the RFID per se, but it does get it...
  3. 4givingGuy

    Door Lock/Unlock Timing

    While there are some threads about the door locking and unlocking experience/proximity sensor, I’ve not found a clear concern about timing…although @Bobby discussed locking/unlocking logic. Currently, when approaching with Mobile...