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  1. Blue Lectroid

    This I like...Things I don't...Things I miss as a former Tesla M3 owner

    Perhaps, but the primary reduction came from double isolation mounts for the front motor. The Air has only single isolation mounts that were redesigned for the 2025 models. Thus from most to least front motor noise? Air’s pre-2025, 2025 Airs, Gravity.
  2. Blue Lectroid

    This I like...Things I don't...Things I miss as a former Tesla M3 owner

    A Tesla M3P or LR takes WAY longer than 4 hours to fully charge. IIRC, my 310 mile range M3P took over 7 hours from 0 to 100%. Max charge rate on L2 is 48 amps for the M3’s, so there is no way to do that in a roughly 74 kWh pack in 4 hours. I had an M3P and the charge rate per kWh has been...
  3. Blue Lectroid

    Gravity Delivery Discussion

    While I don’t disagree with the general gist of your post, I really don’t think 6-7 months for those who ordered in November is a long wait. Now, if it slips well beyond that for them? I’m with you. I am expecting we won’t see our Gravity for 9 months to a year from now and that’s fine…
  4. Blue Lectroid

    Gravity Delivery Discussion

    Just placed an order for Gravity for my wife. She drive’s an Ioniq 5. After spending several long rides (1 hour plus) in my ‘25 AGT, I caught her looking at Gravity Reviews! Platinum with Ojai, small wheels, 5-seats and all options except Towing ordered yesterday. I do not care about the...
  5. Blue Lectroid

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    Yes, that looks right. Of course what no one knows is what finance rates and residual rates B of A will put on Gravity…
  6. Blue Lectroid

    Raging BUY at $2.26?

    That was the Saudi’s.
  7. Blue Lectroid

    Raging BUY at $2.26?

    Not sure I understand your point. I hope that he IS still being paid $120k per month AND getting additional stock options. That makes me MORE inclined to continued buying shares...
  8. Blue Lectroid

    Lane Departure QUACK sound instead of vibration..

    My Tesla M3P had a great vibration the reminded me of driving over the rumble strips on the edge of a track…very cool. The way the steering wheel vibrates / quacks is one of the few things about the car that felt cheap. I’ve since turned it off. My wife loved it (she’s a bird watcher...
  9. Blue Lectroid

    Concerned Owner

    I am really sorry about your experience!
  10. Blue Lectroid

    Lane Departure QUACK sound instead of vibration..

    I could not view the video, but my ‘25 AGT is 70% Quack and 30% feel…
  11. Blue Lectroid

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    Yup. There is a reason for a CEO search...
  12. Blue Lectroid

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    They would be insane not to offer leasing as long as the $7500 credit is still available…
  13. Blue Lectroid

    Switched My Order Today from a Pure to a Grand Touring

    My ‘25 AGT has roughly 1/2 the motor whine of the ‘22 AGT I spend time with. Still there, just less in your face. I think it’s a great balance of having some audible feedback and none…
  14. Blue Lectroid

    Switched My Order Today from a Pure to a Grand Touring

    Good for you. A couple of years ago I looked into trading my Tesla M3P in for a Model S Plaid and I actually preferred the M3P to the S. The S had amazing straight line oomph, but I really did not like anything else about its driving dynamics and I sat tight. Glad I did as I find the '25AGT...
  15. Blue Lectroid

    Switched My Order Today from a Pure to a Grand Touring

    Thanks. I am absolutely in LOVE with my '25AGT. I will say, now that I have driven a '22AGT for 650 miles as a loaner when my car needed to have a trim piece replaced (we discovered it was defective upon delivery and the service experience was great), my '25's is significantly more efficient...
  16. Blue Lectroid

    Raging BUY at $2.26?

    YUP! Overall market forces are now dragging EVERYTHING down...LCID at $2.06 at the moment!!!
  17. Blue Lectroid

    FYI - O love my GT - no issues the last couple of months 6500 miles

    Me three. Coming up on 2000 joyful miles of spirited driving, great efficiency and wonderful comfort. ‘25 AGT.
  18. Blue Lectroid

    Raging BUY at $2.26?

    Yes. Perhaps I am naive, but I believe there is room for them to coexist.
  19. Blue Lectroid

    Raging BUY at $2.26?

    What is he saying? The clip has no audio...