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  1. Steve181

    Lucid is a Lemon?

    Beware of Duracell batteries. In light use, the negative terminal will corode or leak. I also have had fob probelms, mainly short battery life. But also, the functionality of the fob, without specific buttons, is behind even a rent a wreck Hyundi. To solve the short life problem, I have...
  2. Steve181

    Trouble Statistics?

    Borski: Thanks very much!!! The fact that Lucid will remote diagnose is a great feature!! I am no advertising guru, but i think that Lucid needs to up its PR, including this. P.S. - I note that Hyundi is having recalls due to their version of the Wunderbox. Thanks again, Steve
  3. Steve181

    Trouble Statistics?

    I wonder if there are statistics available for the kinds of problems owners are having (perhaps by year of car). I got this idea from reading about the Consumer's 7% reliability rating. For example, from reading this forum, there were a bunch of issues in early models that are now pretty well...
  4. Steve181

    A Bit of Perspective From a Long-ish Term Owner

    Thanks. I actually saw that video a few months ago. But you are doing 2 clicks and a hold instead of 1 click and a hold. Listen to the audio of your voice. You say "click click and hold."
  5. Steve181

    A Bit of Perspective From a Long-ish Term Owner

    Thanks. I have never had much luck with it.
  6. Steve181

    A Bit of Perspective From a Long-ish Term Owner

    Borski - RE: There was no way to open the trunk from the fob; now there is. Can you please give me a timing estimate for the dot dash command needed. e.g.: Seconds on, seconds off, seconds on. Thanks much!
  7. Steve181

    No internet connectivity issue

    I had the same problem suddenly appear on 3/1/25. (I have a 2025 Air Pure runnining 2.6.2). After a few days, without it coming back, I called the hotline. They answered immediatly and had me go through a reboot (X and mic. buttons on steering wheel, plus brake, all for 30 seconds.) The screen...
  8. Steve181

    DIY Fix for no LTE/WiFi connectivity bug

    I'm on 2.6.2 and internet connectivity just failed yesterday after about 2 weeks of the update.
  9. Steve181

    USB C Ports Acting Strange

    I am attemting to get a 5 V signal from my 2025 Lucid Air Pure's USB C ports (front or rear). The ports work fine when a phone is plugged in to charge. BUT, when I plug in a USB C plug there is no voltage on the 5 V lead. I am using the 5.1 k pull down resistors on the CC1 and CC2 leads, but...
  10. Steve181

    Gear shift fell off..

    I was in a dodgy part of Brooklyn at night many years ago when the floor shifter on my Volvo P 1800 came off in my hand as I tried to get into reverse.
  11. Steve181

    Lucid Marketing Ideas and Thoughts

    Good idea!! Many people ask me: "What car is that?" I say Lucid. They say: "Who makes Lucid?", thinking its a model name. No recognition whatever, among wealthy highly educated people.
  12. Steve181

    Anyone know of bidirectional charging status?

    Let me put in another plug for V2L. I know it was not promised, but since V2L does not pump power into the utility lines, it should be much, much easier than V2H. Its basically a 924 VDC to 110 VAC inverter. But it will need some software work in the Wunderbox. Hyundi has figured out how to do...
  13. Steve181

    Android Auto Thursday

    That is exactly what I do. I also use my battery augmented fob.
  14. Steve181

    2.6.2 Software Update

    I got it for my 2025 Pure
  15. Steve181

    Anyone know of bidirectional charging status?

    V2L would be easier than V2H. Exactly what is holding it up? It seems to me that Lucid is drifting behind other makes on AA, V2L, and keyfobs.
  16. Steve181

    Anyone know of bidirectional charging status?

    Blue: Perfect - I want Option 1 ASAP. (BTW - I was just on Rt 95 near Savannah Ga. and passed a carrier full of Ioniq's. I guess the plant near there has started operation.)
  17. Steve181

    Anyone know of bidirectional charging status?

    I just want something relatively simple: Get me 1 KW of 110 V at a reasonable price, via 1 outlet. (I know it has to start at 924 VDC, or so.)
  18. Steve181

    Anyone know of bidirectional charging status?

    Last week I was in the parking lot at the Millenia Mall in Orlando Florida. I saw a Rivian parked next to a Tesla running a cable to exchange power. I do not know in which direction it would flow.
  19. Steve181

    Android Auto Thursday

    I own an Android phone, and I would say that the delay in AA is only a very slight blip to me. If I had 100 points to award to my CURRENT perception of Lucid problems (after about 3 months of owning a 2025 Pure) I would spend them in the followiny way: - AA -1 point - Inferior key Fob (for...