Search results

  1. SteveR

    SURVEY: HV Battery Replacement

    just followed the link from 5/24 1st posting and entered data. thanks for surveying. Original battery still fine at 18k
  2. SteveR

    Bike Rack

    my road bike fits so easily with the front wheel off that I have yet to take my Lucid rack out of the box. Will need it for coming road trip to free up back seat,,,OR for a second bike if carpooling on local rides as stacking 2 inside with ft wheels off sounds messy. Maybe I have a lazy streak?
  3. SteveR

    Side Mirror Housing Replacement

    yes, the entire mirror assembly retails $1,250 from Lucid but may be discounted. Then need install (interior panels off to get to 3 mounting bolts) and camera recalibration
  4. SteveR

    Side Mirror Housing Replacement

    yes, good method OR just put your finger on the horizontal bar at the bottom of frozen screen and swipe up
  5. SteveR

    Side Mirror Housing Replacement

    I replaced the (lower) trap door with a $75 piece from Ebay; mine broke a couple tabs in the impact. Lucid sells only the entire mirror. I used black duct tape (pic) to complete the edge corner of black trim (around the glass surface) that broke off. Figured I would wait and see if it would...
  6. SteveR

    Jaguar Rebrand

    I loved driving my I pace for 5 years (sold in 2023 to buy Lucid) and that was a long time for me so purchasing an extended warranty and time spent with potential servicing was not even attractive. It left me stranded a few times, one of which could've been avoided by following Jag forum advice...
  7. SteveR

    2025 Air Touring or should I go up to GT?

    for 1 percent of your time in the car you will regret not having a tighter or lighter turn.. OR for 99 percent of your time you will notice little trim or comfort items that you will wish you paid for. Been there done that with a couple prior purchases
  8. SteveR

    New Bay Area AT Owner

    welcome! does your radar detector work well and easy to maintain/install? I recommend getting on a first name basis with Millbrae SC folks. Good job doing your homework and even so a day 1 major fault might have been more than many could accept. I find I'm a year behind in discovering quirks...
  9. SteveR

    SiriusXM seemed to break internet connectivity... sorta

    thank you for posting rokAp;l99 and DennisIS and I am new to this old thread and ready to NOT renew my 10 year old SM subscription for so many drops. Had my 22 GT for a year and drops are more frequent last couple of months and constant on trips to the Sierra foothill with same symptoms. never...
  10. SteveR

    For Sale Rear 21 inch wheel, also tire

    Wheel SOLD.. Tire $100 obo
  11. SteveR

    For Sale Rear 21 inch wheel, also tire

    For sale pickup in SF, CA bay area is one straight, curb rashed rear wheel $125 obo. I replaced it with a refinished spare wheel and tire. Also selling dismounted rear tire for $125 obo. Has 6)/32 remaining tread. Just patched (pic) by Don's tire for $45. Was driving daily on both items before...
  12. SteveR

    SOLD Lucid 19” Aero Range Wheel Tire All Season Package

    2.Pricing and reason for selling? Thanks for your listing
  13. SteveR


    yup, it does. good quality. Hope to need attachment for next trip to OR & WA but just putting 1 bike in the trunk 4 now
  14. SteveR


    Millbrae service installed mine in May. New design they coincidentally got in stock that week; they swapped in a new crossbar set for the set I bought on forum used and had brought in for install. Not mounted bicycle attachment yet, no noise or problems. .. looks good with just crossbars AND I...
  15. SteveR

    Collision. Bumper, left fender and AC compressor damage. Got $29k quote from Bed-red Auto in Bellevue.

    @Cosmo Cruz it is to wash your car now...that blood could alert anyone hearing about a hit and run, eh?
  16. SteveR

    My first hand wash

    nice, I just discovered the elect leaf blower too; besides all the hidden lips it gets the water out of the inside of the wheels
  17. SteveR

    Drove a Kia EV9

    we send the bill to the middle east
  18. SteveR

    New member in Seattle, WA

    welcom @ferius , glad you also enjoy driving the car.
  19. SteveR

    A Change of Tune

    are you both correct (saying the same thing different ways)?
  20. SteveR

    Updated Owner's manual

    Today Daniella of Customer care said there is no dashboard available for second (or beyond) owners. She said her supervisor is trying to get that functionality available to second owners but offered that 'lucid wants people to buy new cars, not used', and no eta for a fix. Not giving second...