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  1. N

    Fan controls blinding me

    Does anyone else have corneal burns from the suns reflection on the fan controls? I have to drive with my hand up to block the reflection but have fashioned a pretty impressive piece of cardboard to stick there when the sun is shining down on it. I am hoping the next version will put an angle...
  2. N

    Aggressive Braking in Cruise

    When I drive in adaptive cruise and approach cars at a stop light, at low speeds the deceleration works properly. It also adjusts properly when I am driving at normal speed and the traffic flow slows. But if I am in a 55 MPH zone and approach a light with a car stopped, the car will not slow...
  3. N

    Software Update, Mileage Status Zero Miles

    I installed the most recent update last night with 78% charge and my mileage now shows 0 miles and associated warnings. If I show the mileage as percentage, it shows accurately. Chat assistance said others have now reported this issue and it should be fixed in the next update.
  4. N

    New Owner in NC

    I picked up my Air Pure in DC on Monday. North Carolina is her new home. I am so very sad to see my Tesla 3 (Leona) leave, but very excited to bond with Lucy.