Search results

  1. chris

    RESOLVED NEW Lucid App means NO MORE CHARGING history or 'free status' dates displayed

    So under the original old Lucid app, I was able to see a monthly history on how many times I charged and how many kWh I charged per month. It also clearly stated how long I had remaining until my 'free' charging expired, Until July 7, 2026 in my case. At any rate, all that data and proof of...
  2. chris

    For Sale Chicago area ONLY: 4 19" aftermarket wheels w/Winter Tires (NO SHIPPING- IN PERSON ONLY!)

    These will work on GT, Touring or AIR but NOT Sapphire. There is TPMS (Tire monitors) on the wheels but I never utilized the TPMS aspect so please keep that in mind. I'm in Mount Prospect, IL. LOCAL pickup with cash (or I will accept Zelle as my only electronic alternative) LOCAL only so...
  3. chris

    NO more Factory OR HQ Tour option for points?

    I wanted to pull the trigger now that I have enough points for a Factory Tour and the option is GONE! I'm heartbroken but has anyone else noticed this option gone?
  4. chris

    Mahle LAK 1590 for cabin air filter? Who carries and who changed it?

    So I wanted to change my own cabin air filter rather than pay service to do it and found the instructions but when trying to find LAK 1590, only LX 1590 shows up for search. Has anyone here successfully changed their cabin air filter? Where did you buy the filter and is it really LAK 1590?
  5. chris

    EA Savings report possible for Lucid?

    So I've noticed that other EV owners that use the EA app for their 'free' charging program get this fun report telling them how many kilowatts they have charged and what the 'cost savings' has been for them. I realize we don't have any tie-in to the EA app but does anyone know of a way to get...
  6. chris

    Who paid to keep Sirius? Most of our 'trials' expire in a few days!

    For those of us who had the BETA Sirius (along with it's issues) and now the official 90 days trial is about to end, who is keeping it vs. just using Amazon Music or Spotify instead? I have NOT renewed/given my credit card and am going to try to live with just my Spotify and Amazon music for a...
  7. chris

    Wanted WTB 19" OEM wheels in Chicago area

    I see I've missed out on 3 local sales. Anyone else have a set they want to move?
  8. chris

    My $456.67 mis-adventure on a big road trip.

    So as some of you saw here, we took a 4500 mile road trip with my Lucid Pure in December. Our trip down to Arizona (Sun City in our case) was flawless-- no lines at EA stations, always able to charge-- essentially the posterchild of what one would come to expect with a new car. While in AZ...
  9. chris

    Not really 'new' but my intro as as an owner post in Chicagoland area.

    Hi everyone. I'm doing things a little backwards. I believe I likely did an intro post back when I 1st joined here and was just a reservation holder. I actually took delivery of my 2023 AWD Pure w/19" wheels way back in July 2023 (7/7/23). I sort of forgot about this group as I was caught...
  10. chris

    4500 mile Road trip in 2023 Lucid Air Pure December 2023

    Hi everyone. I've shared this on a few groups on FB and was asked to share it here as well with the Lucid community. I was one of the early reservation holders so I have 3 years free charging that lasts me until July 2026 at this point. Anyway, this 'free' EA charging is what ultimately put us...
  11. chris

    Hi, Chris in Illinois here

    I am here to learn what I can about the Lucid Air especially from current owners to see if it is what I want to end up owning!