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  1. S

    RESOLVED Lucid app access denied..

    Looks like widespread issue that is affecting everyone. I can't log in into the mobile app as well after receiving double referral bonus notification.
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    Has anyone else with an Air Dream Experienced Reduced Charging Capacity?

    capacity_kwhr: 86.70999806188047 2023 AIR PURE AWD build date 3/2023 currently 4,650 miles. I also noticed unavailable_range: 2.600000038743019. Could this be the buffer from 92kwh?
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    Vehicle rebate

    I think with original tax returns it is submitted and processed automatically by the system where addendum is looked at manually. I waited 4 months for the response. I guess for addendum you have to prove your case and not use TurboTax since there is no place to upload any additional documents...
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    Vehicle rebate

    I am curious what information did you hand over and to whom? I recently received a letter from IRS about 4 months after filing an addendum to tax year 2022. The IRS denied the claim quote "We cannot process your claim for the Clean Vehicle Credit, Form 8936 because you VIN number provided is...
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    Trunk Failure Warning

    I have similar issues with my trunk. When closing the trunk, it goes all the way down. The soft close mechanism attempt to pull the trunk all the way down and close it fully. The trunk visually appears closed. However, car left dash and phone app shows the trunk is still open. When I try to open...
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    New member needs Referral Code

    I must say we are in disadvantage here. Can't send DMs to new members. Looks like Staff Members can.
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    Auto Park

    I personally could not make auto-park to work myself. Just like you I was trying it at empty parking lots. From what others suggested auto-park will work only between two cars. There needs to be a reference point for the sensors. It doesn't use cameras (yet who knows maybe in the future) to...
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    Fitting a Bike

    I think this will though considering the trunk opening. I am thinking you will have the most issues with the steering handle bars. If the front wheel is removable, I would remove it. Then try to load bike rear wheel first. You might have to remove parcel shelf for sub trunk for extra space.
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    Frustrating situation regarding Electrify America promotion

    EA complimentary charging is soley based on your order date not build date. Check your sales agreement. I believe it is stated there. I think what happened here is that you got misinformed by your SA just to get the sale through. It's very unfortunate and I feel bad for you considering how most...
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    Referral Program Introduced

    You can check with the person who you used for referal. It should show under their referal profile.
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    Why does EA shows price per min and keep rolling?

    Did you buy your GT new or used? It's possible that EA complimentary charging does not transfer to new owner.
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    Wiper blades out of sync

    This is probably related to the wiper blade recall due to incorrect torque specs.. If you don't want to wait for service. I would turn off the wiper blades. Make sure they are lined up at the bottom. Pop the plastic covers with a small screw driver. Use the torque wrench to torque wiper blade...
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    Referral Program Introduced

    Since you are new we can't DM you yet. Just like Adnillien said above. You can grab anyone's code from their profile. Good luck with your purchase.
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    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.47

    Today I applied 2.1.47 for the third time since waiting from Wednesday when I got notification. This time it also took about 10 minutes to update (similar to the second time) rather than 40 minutes it took the first time around. We will see if I will get another notification to update or not. I...
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    Time for something fun: a car memory test

    Here is my list: 1. 1986 Nissan 300ZX Turbo 5 Speed Manual 2. 1994 Pontiac Firebird Formula 5.7 Auto (I wish it was manual) 3. 1995 Honda Civic Ex Coupe 5 speed manual 4. 1995 Mercedes W140 S350 Turbo Diesel 5. 1993 Mercedes W124 300D 2.5 Turbo Diesel At this point wife said no more time spend...
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    GT 2022: Deposit placed!

    Thanks @Bobby posted there as well.
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    Here is my list: 1. 1986 Nissan 300ZX Turbo 5 Speed Manual 2. 1994 Pontiac Firebird Formula 5.7 Auto (I wish it was manual) 3. 1995 Honda Civic Ex Coupe 5 speed manual 4. 1995 Mercedes W140 S350 Turbo Diesel 5. 1993 Mercedes W124 300D 2.5 Turbo Diesel At this point wife said no more time spend...
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    GT 2022: Deposit placed!

    You can use any of the forum members referal code to get additional $1250 for GT. The person who referred you gets points that can be converted to purchases from Lucid (mostly accessories and experiences). Some folks where able to add referal code after placing the order. You need to contact...
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    Cabin Heat while DC Fast Charging

    I totally agree. I think better approach would be limited cooling/heating vs nothing at all. It can become really warm/cold when waiting at the fast charger for 30 minutes or more. I am guessing once Lucid switches to heat pump this issue will eventually go away.