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  1. 3

    RESOLVED Deteriorating Service

    My MS Performance had to get a leaking 4 way coolant valve replaced in March. Made an appointment via the app, dropped it off in the morning, they gave me a loaner, and I got it back same day. It’s not all bad on the Tesla side.
  2. 3

    Lucid Layoff

    You hit the nail on the head (market being different). Lucid was a tad slow to market but worse than that has made several questionable decisions which, coupled with the economic climate, has severely reduced demand. As time goes on - and I hope I’m wrong - more signs keep pointing to… an...
  3. 3

    Air needs some changes for tall drivers.

    #3 (dashboard stitches) was killing me on my test drive. It was so obnoxiously visible and I couldn’t “not” see it! I’m 6’ 3” with a long torso.
  4. 3

    This is what happens when you smash your Air into a wall of rock at high speed

    So glad you and hubby are ok! Too bad Lucid doesn’t have dash cam implemented yet!
  5. 3

    Q4 2022 Earnings Preview Article

    If Lucid’s output is X and their reservations (approximate consumer backlog) are Y, then (Y minus X) is a good indicator of potential future sales in the pipeline. If the reservations continue to decline as expected, that’s bad press. If the reservations were increasing, best believe they...
  6. 3

    Q4 2022 Earnings Preview Article

    Finance chief Sherry House said Lucid would not publish quarterly reservation numbers going ahead. That… is concerning. Why else would they cease providing that info unless they forecast it will be “bad news” and would rather not disclose it?
  7. 3

    San Diego Meetup - Sunday Jan 8 -12:00pm

    This is very cool! Looks like a great time
  8. 3

    Another Touring order cancellation - here's my reasoning

    You can configure a warning chime for the blind spot. I'm not advocating the abdication of manual driving hygiene, rather I am explaining how they can be used and in so doing increase safety for yourself and everybody around you. The assertion that Tesla doesn't have a "proper blind spot...
  9. 3

    Another Touring order cancellation - here's my reasoning

    I don’t understand the comment about the blind spot monitor. The BSM is in the visualization right in front of you. I don’t even check my mirrors most of the time because Im driving in FSD and the visualization is what I’m looking at, not the mirrors.
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    Selling my new Grand Touring - Seattle

    I'm so confused as to how somebody buys a $150K without knowing if they'd be amenable to a sedan form factor.
  11. 3

    SOLD: White Air GT, Mojave int, 21" wheels, 2k miles +/-, PPF, tint

    This is a sweet deal, good luck on the sale.
  12. 3

    California passing law to ban Tesla from calling its autopilot "Full Self Driving"

    To be fair, this is the same state that puts a Prop 65 cancer risk warning on anything (Disneyland lol) and everything, “just in case.”
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    Would Like Your Feedback

    I’d ask the landlord to do a heavy up. It shouldn’t cost more than $3K.
  14. 3

    Issues with my Grand Touring

    I am sad and sorry for the trouble OP is experiencing but I love the fact that Lucid reps actually peruse this forum. A very nice touch.
  15. 3

    Finally got around to taking some pictures!

    Looking fresh! Great pics!
  16. 3

    My 1-month, 2000 mile report

    I enjoyed reading, thank you!
  17. 3

    Well I got plaid used

    Used 2020 MS Performance with 12k miles and FSD for $82,500 from Tesla. My plan is to give Lucid a couple years to see how things shake out and then reassess.
  18. 3

    Well I got plaid used

    Can’t blame you, I did the same thing in September 😢 The used car market is definitely coming back down from the Covid highs and presenting some alluring deals relative to new. If one is looking for value, it’s definitely something to consider. Hope you enjoy that Plaid and keep following and...
  19. 3

    My first 1500 miles with my GTP

    Great authentic review! Looking forward to hearing more as time goes on!