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  1. LucidJazz

    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.47

    I got the update last night. I haven't received the 2nd or 3rd yet. Feeling left out!
  2. LucidJazz

    Finally first time seeing turtle

    Turtle mode showed up for me as they were driving my car out of the showroom. I went home with a loaner and they delivered my car a few days later after they replaced some module under the frunk. 8,000 miles since and no issues.
  3. LucidJazz

    Arizona Registration - Check your Lucid valuation

    I just found this! "The first-time registration fee for EVs in Arizona will increase by a factor of 20 after Dec 31, 2021. The cost basis upon which the registration fee is calculated will increase from 1% of MSRP to 20% of MSRP for EVs first registered in 2022. For example, the fee charged for...
  4. LucidJazz

    Referral prompts

    I get this everytime I open the app!
  5. LucidJazz

    Wouldn't it be nice if the car told you that the fob battery is low?

    I had to replace my key fob battery again today. Wouldn't it be nice if the car told you when the fob battery was getting low and needed to be replaced?
  6. LucidJazz

    Latest Flyover Photo

    I drove by the factory on Thornton Road two weeks ago and the parking lots were full with several thousand cars. Not much different than the video I posted a few months back.
  7. LucidJazz

    Radar Detector Hard Wire Installation?

    I put the cap from a spray paint can in between the windshield and plastic housing to keep it open while i worked. The white plastic piece just slides down and out without resistance. I also wore one of those head band led lights to get a better view of what I was working with. But you're right...
  8. LucidJazz

    RESOLVED Does your front footwell woofer work properly? TSB-B1122-001

    Didn't call service, just did it myself. I didn't remove the rubber door seal, just removed the trim piece, removed the plastic cover (2 T-20 screws) under the dash to be able to pull back the carpet. After removing the plastic cover, I had to disconnect the footwell light to move it out of the...
  9. LucidJazz

    Radar Detector Hard Wire Installation?

    Yes, but not without incident - significant frustration! When I first tried to re-fasten it, I apparently crushed it and nocked it out of its holder. I found it rattling around in the cover and had to bend it back into shape (used what I could see of the driver side clip to reshape it). I slid...
  10. LucidJazz

    Radar Detector Hard Wire Installation?

    Thanks for the write-up and pics. It would be good to note the white plastic piece where the tap is made easily comes out of its housing so it can be pulled to the passenger side for easier access. My only problem is getting the front passenger side clip to fasten.
  11. LucidJazz

    Regenerative braking

    I had the same problem. Turns out I set cruise control in a 35 mph speed zone to 38 mph. The speed limit changed to 45 and I sped up to 48. As I came up to a red light I took my foot off the accelerator and the car did not slow down - it coasted. Since I waited late to take my foot off the...
  12. LucidJazz

    Pics of the bottom of my Sapphire.

    Very COOL! Congrats!
  13. LucidJazz

    Mobile Maintenance in Tucson

    Thanks for the post. It'll be great not having to travel to Scottsdale.
  14. LucidJazz

    Lucid Air Sunshade, Glass Canopy — Now Available

    Received and installed Lucid Air Sunshades in early August. While they looked and worked great, I was worried that my mostly bald head might still have some sun exposure. I had some window sunscreen material, so I cut out pieces about 1/8” inside the sunshade OD. I reinstalled the shades with...
  15. LucidJazz

    2.0 mi/kWh - Max AC in 110 heat

    Wow! I'm in Tucson and it's not that much cooler here. Max A/C most of the time.
  16. LucidJazz

    Update 2.1.18

    Just got the update this morning.
  17. LucidJazz

    Anyone else doing high mileage on their Air?

    7200 in 5 1/2 months.