Search results

  1. QuantumFire

    2.4.4 HA issues

    Just finished a 1,000 mile round trip road trip and used HA through much of it. My conclusion is, don't use HA. CC will provide a much more relaxing and enjoyable drive. While driving I kept my hands on the steering wheel at ALL times. I keep them at 4 and 8 o'clock because holding the wheel at...
  2. QuantumFire

    No Cruise Control without HA?

    Today I tried to turn on Cruise Control without Highway Assist and surprised that I couldn't. I even tried using voice control "Lucid turn on cruise control for 40 miles per hour" and it told me the feature was not available. I would have sworn that I used to be able to use CC without HA pre...
  3. QuantumFire

    Mobile key working like a champ

    The mobile key has stopped working for me again. The problem seems to be with the iOS app, which is probably good. I discovered if I’m standing around like an idiot waiting for the car to unlock, I can kill the app and relaunch it and the car unlocks within seconds. Still irritates me, hopefully...
  4. QuantumFire

    Software Update 2.3.10

    I received it a few times, reinstalling the app on my phone seems to have fixed it. Although after the app re-install I once saw “mobile key not detected” for minute while I was already driving, but it didn’t last long and hasn’t reappeared.
  5. QuantumFire

    Mobile key working like a champ

    Thank you, this "fix" has helped today, so far I'm 3 for 3 without any long delays. Now I don’t have to be embarrassed standing around like an idiot trying to get my $126k car to unlock. Kind of an embarrassment for Lucid, reminds me of 1990’s software quality. Though I don’t blame the...
  6. QuantumFire

    Mobile key working like a champ

    I've been using the mobile key (iOS) exclusively since I got the car. Recently, the past two weeks, its been failing frequently. I've driven twice today and it didn't work either time. Both times required I bring the app to the foreground, wait for it to connect (~30 seconds), then unlock the...
  7. QuantumFire

    Scheduled charging unreliable

    This attached is all there is, the Lucid scheduled charging screen is pretty limited. The iOS app has no way to modify the charging schedule. I have the Lucid Home Charger which does not have any scheduling in the web interface. The car is on my home WIFi, so it should have no trouble knowing...
  8. QuantumFire

    Scheduled charging unreliable

    Sadly this seems to still be a problem. I plugged into my Lucid Home Charger last night and have the car scheduled to start charging at 0100. This morning I noticed I never received notifications that the charging session started or stopped, so I opened the App (iOS) and the charging session...
  9. QuantumFire

    App and Sirius problems post update to 2.2.2

    In my case the audio doesn’t play, the screen controls toggle between play and pause. Pressing the button doesn’t seem to do anything. It actually hasn’t happened recently but it was happening every day.
  10. QuantumFire

    App and Sirius problems post update to 2.2.2

    I just experienced the rapid pause/play infinite toggle for the first time today. I was using CarPlay Apple Music. Pressing pause, waiting a few seconds, then play, fixed it.
  11. QuantumFire

    Suddenly, the radio starts playing!

    this just happened to me! The car started playing cool jazz while I was driving. Couldn’t figure out the audio source. It wasn’t the AM/FM radio because the quality was too clear, all my stations are full of static (just in this car, but that’s another issue). I don’t subscribe to any other...
  12. QuantumFire

    Rawlinson Interview with "Motor Trend"

    The article reads well, but they open with a very unflattering photo of Rawlinson.
  13. QuantumFire

    Lucid Connected Home Charging Station speed

    It was part of the service upgrade from 80 to 200 amp service, it didn't occur until about a week after the interior work and inspection. The electrician couldn't do it because the line is owned by the electric company. Idk state and local laws, but i'd assumed this is required when upgrading...
  14. QuantumFire

    Lucid Connected Home Charging Station speed

    To follow up, the electric company upgraded the line to house. The charger is now getting 124.8 v and 123.3 v when not under load and 118.3 v and 117.3 v under load. The charger is reporting 18720.00 kW (I think they mean W, or 18.7 kW) and the car reports 18 kW. So, yay! This is about as good...
  15. QuantumFire

    New Owner

    Love the car. I hope he lets me have it back!
  16. QuantumFire

    Lucid Connected Home Charging Station speed

    This is a good thought. I checked the voltage on both phases and both are slightly above 120 V each (but it wasn't under load) I believe the power cable is 2 AWG aluminum less than 100 feet, so the voltage drop shouldn't be more than 2 V. I'll ask the electrician to check the connections when...
  17. QuantumFire

    Lucid Connected Home Charging Station speed

    The Lucid Store says, "Our fastest home charging station is capable of charging up to 80 miles of range per hour (80 Amps, 240 Volts)" My charging rate showed 71 mi/hr at 17 kW. Since I had the house upgraded to 200 Amps with a 100 Amp sub-panel installed in the garage with a 100 Amp breaker, I...
  18. QuantumFire

    Side Mirror Tilt Rant

    Two things that make the buried menu option not good... I don't use it frequently enough to remember exactly where it is each time, so i'll have to hunt for it, while I'm blocking the road and with the car stopped out in traffic.
  19. QuantumFire

    Side Mirror Tilt Rant

    That seems like the best approach. It’s a lot of annoying button pushes at an inconvenient time, but it’ll have to do. At least the mirror should move back to correct position when getting back into the car.
  20. QuantumFire

    Lucid Connected Home Charging Station speed

    I believe it started at 61%. It stayed at 17kW up to the last time I look, which was 77%.